5: Wutdafuq

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Dedicated to the lovely riodekovil for the insanely adorable cover she made me for this that you can see at the side :) As always there's a gorgeous favorite song of mine at the side too ;D I hope you enjoy this (probably very boring) chapter but I felt like it was a necessary one :) Lots of love! xoxo

5: Wutdafuq

A phone call woke me up in the middle of the night, the sound of the chorus of Supernova (okay maybe that’s a little shallow of me, but it’s always great to think a song has been written about you) making my head pound as I struggled to open my eyes.

Scrambling around for it in the dark beneath the pillow with my eyes half closed, I found it, pressed the answer button and held it to my ear.

‘Hello?’ I grunted down the phone.

‘There’s an article on the Daily Mail about you and Drew being together. Have you told him or not?’

‘Laina? No I-I haven’t, but –’

The grogginess which made me want to just close my eyes forever and huddle into my bed had vanished as soon as I realised who it was on the other end, but Laina had hung up before I could say another word when she’d gotten the information she needed.

Groaning, I flopped back down on the bed and buried my face in my pillow, screaming silently into it like a stroppy teenager. I stayed like that for a little while, before reaching over and grabbing my laptop because of something she had said.

I opened it and turned it on, impatiently tapping my fingers on it as I waited for it to load, immediately opening up my web browser and going to the Daily Mail website, my eyes roaming it determinedly for a split second until I found what I was looking for.

That’s when I saw it. The article with the most ridiculous and ironic title I’d ever seen in my life in bright blue and bold and the top of the page.

Drew Turner’s New Leading Lady?

Clicking on it with an almost vulgar sense of curiosity, I closed my eyes as the page loaded, wondering if I really actually wanted to see this or read it. It hadn’t actually ever hit me that Drew was one of those people who were written about and whose life people were curious enough about to actually bother reading articles concerning him.

Deciding against it, I closed down the screen, but not before my eyes came to rest on the slightly blurry photograph of the two of us walking down the street together, Drew leaning in as he told me something which made me laugh which just made me go straight back to the article and scan read it.

So we all know and love Drew Turner, star of shows such as The High Road and films such as How to be a Hooker and Memoirs of a Murderer, and possibly the fastest rising Hollywood star of the moment, who up until now was destined to be a singleton forever.

Drew, 26, with those orgasmic green eyes and winning smile has caught the attention of other A-listers including Scarlett Johansson and Leighton Meester, but never publically appeared to feel any particular ardour for anybody until being caught yesterday afternoon with an unnamed brunette beauty who he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of.

The attraction between the two was undeniable, with the couple too engrossed in each other to notice the onlookers –

I tore my eyes away, with only one thing going through my mind: wutdafuuuuq?

It was only when I stopped looking disbelievingly at the screen that I realised that my mouth was slightly open, causing me to immediately clamp it shut and try to get rid of the disgusted look that coated my face, making me feel dirty and like I needed a shower.

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