Wentworth's Baron - Chapter Eighteen - The Truth Sets In

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The Truth Sets In


            The doctor arrived shortly after the Constable left.  He examined Alexander and recommended bed rest to which Alexander immediately responded jumping to his feet “I shall not remain an invalid, I am perfectly fine.  Although, I must say I do feel quite tired” his voice trailed off as he slowly lowered himself once more on the couch holding his head. 

            The doctor surveyed his patient with a stern look.  “Young man!  I fear you may have a concussion and you must try to stay awake for a few hours until we are certain there are no complications.  I must insist that you remain calm.  I will leave you with a tonic to take which should relieve some of the pain but under no circumstances are you to go gallivanting around.” 

            Lord Wentworth immediately insisted that a room be prepared to which Alexander declined saying “no, I must return to Harlaxton as soon as may be possible.  You know, sir, if you wish to keep up this facade I must not remain here in the presence of Wendall and the troupe for they know my true identity.  I begin to have a strong belief that we should inform Henrietta of the situation.  I cannot like continuing to keep this kind of thing from my future wife.”

            “Now, now, my boy.  You must be still.  I assure you it is for the best.  We must keep up appearances until the Wedding.  Must I remind you that while we have apprehended the man responsible for the balloon mishap we still need to address the impending ‘scandal’ or did you forget the compromising situation you were seen in with my daughter?”  Alexander looked at Lord Wentworth unsure how to take the strange tone in his voice at that last remark and decided to leave it at that. 

            “Sir, I must get back to Harlaxton before I am discovered.  Pray have my carriage prepared for me to leave at once”  he pleaded.  At this, Lord Wentworth reminded Alexander of the carriage rod that Sir Lewis so intently prepared for his demise and suggested he borrow his carriage for the evening.

            Alexander brooked no interference and allowed Lord Wentworth to arrange for him to return to Harlaxton in his carriage. 

            After Alexander was safely on his way home, Lord Wentworth went out and called the party to him announcing his great discovery for he could hardly contain the joy he felt.  Wendall continued to remain in what appeared to be silent shock and Henrietta sat stunned at this news of such magnitude.  The troupe, of course, were all full of awe and congratulations for Wendall and his new prospects but Wendall continued to remain silent.  It was as if he could not comprehend what it all meant.

            Henrietta, on the other hand, knew very well what it all meant and after a few moments on her part to take it all in she was full of questions for her father to which he responded “I will answer all your questions my dear and yours Wendall but what say we put that for tomorrow, eh?  It has been an eventful evening and I am sure everyone is very tired.  He called for Hawthorne to advise the servants that the guests will need to remain for the night and to prepare their rooms. 

            Henrietta and Wendall stayed behind sitting together on the small sofa in front of the fireplace.  As she kindly put her hand on his she asked “what is it my dear, are you not the least bit pleased to know you have a family?  I have lived my entire life here with father and only a picture of my Mama and now I learn I have a brother and I am most pleased” she said smiling. Wendall looked up at his newly found sister and with a somewhat distorted expression said “but, m’lady, see I had me mama and I had me family, the troupe, all these years what’s to become of ‘em?  What’ll I do now?”  Henrietta put her arm around him in silent comfort as she contemplated her next words.  She, too, couldn’t help but be reminded that she also had family to think about.  The ‘Baron’ who was to become her husband now would learn of this long lost brother and the great secret her father kept all these years.  She wondered at his reaction as well.  And, so it was that Henrietta and Wendall sat together on the couch both with their intent green eyes looking upon their mother’s portrait above the fireplace as if asking her what they should do.

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