Wentworth's Baron - Chapter Ten - Revelation

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            As for ‘the Baron’ or Alexander Durham Barrington, he was intent on finding out more about Wendell and how he came to be in the Circus.  Sir Lewis left their company not long after Alexander arrived and Wendell continued his conversation in the same easy going way.  They spoke of many things and Alexander became quite taken with Wendell. 

            “So, you wanna see me do me ‘orse tricks?”  Alexander, wanting to indulge Wendell with his ‘orse’ tricks took this opportunity to question him about Sir Lewis and his ‘vestments.’

            “See it goes like this, uncle Lewis ain’t really me uncle.  He ‘dopted me, see.”  “Do you know from who?” asked Alexander.  “well, don’t rightly know but uncle Lewis says ‘twas some gent whos loved his lady very much but couldn’t marry her so I’s come along and can’t ladies of quality have kids and not be married...so, uncle Lewis takes me and gives me to me mama to raise -- me ‘doptive mama see.  But, uncle Lewis, he’s really good with money and he takes me money from me and me mama and ‘vests it in his bank.  He says in a few years we be really rich so’s I can go to one of them fancy boys’ schools.” 

            Alexander sat listening to Wendell as he went on about his ‘doptive uncle’ and his ‘doptive mama’ and others.  The more he heard the more he felt that his suspicions could be right.  The only thing he wanted to check before leaving, if he could find a way, he wanted to see if Wendell had a dimple over his left shoulder. 

            Just then, the ring master came into the tent with Wendell’s costume for the show.  Wendell immediately stood up and ran to grab it out of his hand.  “Thanks sir, I best be gettin’ ready now” he said to Alexander. 

            This was the opportunity he was hoping for.  “Wendell, can I see you do one of those ‘horse tricks’ now in your costume before you go?”  Wendell smiled a grin from ear to ear.  Despite the conditions of his upbringing his teeth were a perfect white.  Alexander couldn’t help but notice the resemblance in his smile as well. 

            Wendell went behind the curtain and in minutes was out on his horse circling the ring in preparation for his ‘trick’ and in a split second, he jumped, rolled and landed flat footed on the back of his black mare with ease and grace.  He dismounted and came over to Alexander to bid him farewell and as he turned his back to hold the reigns of his horse...there it was clear as day.  Wendell had the exact same dimple in his left shoulder. 

            While he was not surprised at the result of his detective work, now he had more that he needed to discover.  Just how does Wendell fit into the lives of the Wentworth family and who is this Sir Lewis Rockingham. 

            He arrived at Henrietta’s just as Victoria was entering her carriage but she did not see him wave as she drove by.  No matter, he thought.  He needed the opportunity to speak privately with Henrietta.  How would he start.  He always felt it best to come right to the point but somehow this was different.  He found he was concerned she would be angry with him and not want to see him again.

            Henrietta accepted his call in the Parlor.  Alexander thought her to be delightful this afternoon.  He longed to go to her once again and pull her to him and to kiss those tender lips.  But, he held himself back on this account as he was trying to find a way to bring up the subject of how it came about that he introduced himself to her as Baron Neville de Raby. 

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