Wentworth's Baron - Chapter Three - Harlaxton House

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Harlaxton House


            Lady Catherine Sedley, The Marchioness of Salisbury, received the news of the arrival of her good friend Lady Barrington while breakfasting in her room.  She immediately called for her lady’s maid to help her dress.

            There was much to be done in preparation for the arrival of their much anticipated guests.  Edmond must be informed of Alexander’s arrival and she must confer with Lord Sedley on the arrangements for Alexander to remain after their departure.  “Of course, he may remain here.  I would not have it any other way.”  She thought.  “I must write to Lady Barrington immediately to put her mind at ease.  It would give us no greater pleasure than to have Alexander stay as long as he likes before returning to Toddington Manor,” she continued out loud to no one in particular.

            John Spencer Sedley, The Marquess of Salisbury, was breakfasting on the east veranda that morning when his Lady joined him.

            Lady Sedley briefly summarized the contents of Lady Barrington’s request and Lord Sedley was in agreement with his wife that there should be no conflict about Alexander overnighting at Harlaxton House.  He also informed his Lady that he expected Baron Neville de Raby would also join them for a short time in Bath but that he would be returning early and he too was to overnight at Harlaxton.  “It seems my dear Lady that Harlaxton House will be entertaining without us,” he said with a smile.

            “No matter, Baron Raby and Alexander should get along splendid.  They will have much in common I know.”  Lord Sedley finished his breakfast and was off to the day’s business.  Lady Sedley settled to write to Lady Barrington of the arrangements. 

            Lady Sedley had other plans other than just responding to Lady Barrington.  Lord Sedley told her that Baron Raby would be joining them for a few days and she must be sure that Lady Victoria returned from Brighton.  This was Victoria’s first season out and she had sent Victoria with her Aunt Cecily for a stint at Brighton before London.  Lady Sedley wanted to make sure she had all the opportunities afforded to her. 

            Baron Raby was a fair prospect for her daughter.  She knew that Victoria was not going to be the toast nor was she a great beauty.  However, she was quite pretty having burgundy hair and hazel eyes.  She was accomplished in many things and Lady Sedley felt sure that her daughter would make a suitable match her first season but she wanted to ensure she had ample opportunity for the best possible match.  She must write to Aunt Cecily and direct that Victoria return home immediately.

            While Lady Sedley was busy musing over her daughter’s possibilities, on the estate adjacent her, was another young lady with just the opposite thoughts on the subject of marriage.

            So, it came about that the party departed from Toddington Manor in Hereford to their destination at Harlaxton House. 

            Harlaxton House was very illustrious indeed with its many domed towers and the clock on the front of the belfry.  It was quite magnificent.  Upon their arrival they were greeted warmly by Lady Sedley who instructed they be escorted to their guest quarters to rest before dinner.  Lady Sedley informed the party that Edmond had not returned yet from the estate grounds but that he was expected to return soon.  The Marquess would join them at 8:00 and they would dine at 9:00. 

            A most extravagant table was set for the evening with the most beautiful centerpiece.  Lady Sedley boasted of its exquisite flowers coming from her own gardens.  Lady Victoria was seated next to Baron Raby, a gentleman whom Alexander had only just met this evening.  Alexander noted that she had grown into quite a beautiful young lady.  The last he had seen of her was before Edmond left for the war and she was still in the school room.  It seems she had grown into quite an agreeable sight with her hazel eyes and maroon hair. 

            Alexander always seemed to prefer ladies with green eyes although he did not have any designs on Victoria.  He had known her as long as Edmond but there was never any interest on his part for something more.    He was sure that Lady Sedley would welcome his attentions to her daughter, however, it was clear Lady Sedley had set her attentions to matching the Baron with Victoria.  Alexander found Baron Raby to be pleasant company.  He enjoyed the stories that Edmond and the Baron imparted to the group on the war.

            Just then, interrupting his thoughts on the subject, Lady Sedley stood to lead the ladies to the Parlor for a game of wisp leaving the men to their cigars.

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