Chapter 2: Those Silly High School HeartTeams

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Still during the first day of class.  Late afternoon.

The class teacher looked around and smiled at everyone brightly.

"I am very confident in this pilot class and I trust that this class will properly represent your level in all of the school activities.  Tomorrow, we will be electing the class officers so please consider who to vote tomorrow.  Class adjourned."

I stood up lazily as everyone around me stood up as well.

I quickly walked towards the door when I felt someone grabbed my collar.

"Ouch!" I complained aloud.

"And where do you think you're going?" Aaron asked calmly.


"I told you Chester wanted to talk to you."

I pulled his hand away from me and glared at him.  "I'm busy.  I need to go home right now."

"You're so childish..."


"You're not planning to leave him out in the open without any closure, are you?"


"At least tell him he can date freely now."

"Aaron, please tell him that he can freely date anyone."

"Tell him yourself!" Aaron screamed.

Jason walked past us and tapped Aaron's back.  "Aaron, it's just the first day of school and you're already making your moves." he joked.

Aaron stared at him with a dumbfounded expression. "What?  Me and this girl? Man, I have taste... No, thank you!"

Jason grinned.  Then, he smiled at me.

"Hi, Julie."

"Hi, Jason."


"Well, I'm pretty busy... so I better get going.  Nice chatting with you, Aaron."

I turned around and walked quickly.

"Hey! Hey!  I'm not yet done talking to you!" Aaron screamed at my retreating back.

Jason laughed and placed his arms around Aaron's shoulders. "Man, give her a break for today."

"She's a witch, I tell you." Aaron said seriously.

Jason laughed again but did not say anything else.

As I was walking towards the school gate, I made sure to bow my head so I wouldn't be noticeable.

"I don't wanna meet Chester. I don't wanna meet Chester." I prayed hard to myself.

.........cause if I meet him, I might change my mind.... and that's not good.


Meanwhile, Ivan noisily stood up from his chair while Matt glanced at him with an interesting expression.

Shiela hopped over to Geoffrey's chair.

"Hey, I'll be hanging out with my friends after school.  We're going to Jennifer's house.  You wanna come?"


"Okay, then where are you going now?"

"Home, obviously."

"Enjoy walking alone."  Shiela teased.

Geoffrey nodded and stood up from his chair.

Grace glanced at him.  "I'm also going home... Where do you live, Geoffrey?"

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