Chapter 8: Having A Change Of Mind... Or More Specifically... Heart

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“So then... F(x) is the same, or bigger than 0.” The teacher said and I felt as if I was simply falling asleep. Jesus... I already knew this stuff last year. Where was the new material?! My head hit the desk and before I knew it, the bell rung. Looking up, I looked around to see kids with smirks as they were getting up. Huh...did I really fall asleep? I thought, seeing an equation on the board that hadn’t been there before. Oh well... I thought with a yawn. “Why am I so sleepy...?” I asked myself quietly.

“Mi Kyong. Mi Kyong.” I felt myself being shook. Looking up, I saw Yoo He Yi. “Hmm?” I hummed. “I have something important to take care of. So I’m leaving first, okay?” She told me. I simply nodded and Yoo He Yi gave me a smile, leaving. I gave a shrug, gathering my things as I got up, leaving as well.

When I got outside, I hopped onto my bike with a happy expression. I had gotten a little annoyed with walking lately, so I ordered myself a bike. I thought it was the best thing in the word next to my car, but I wasn’t trying to show off that much. I began to hum as I rod, feeling happy for some reason. I really didn’t have a care in the world right now.

The day was nice and warm. A soft, cool breeze was rolling by and I was wearing my favorite pair of dark jean shorts. Honestly, I don’t believe this day could be a sad one at all...

Everything seemed to be going fine lately...well... Except for a few glares from people, but I really don’t understand what I could have possibly done to earn them. Goo Joon Pyo was even backing off a bit. I haven’t seen Ji Ho around what so ever, but I didn’t want to ask WooBin and Yi Jung about him, giving them the wrong idea. Wherever he is...I hope he is okay.

Instead of reminiscing in my thoughts, I should have been paying more attention to what was happening around me. All too quickly a chain lifted up from out of nowhere and my bike was obviously going too fast to automatically stop without throwing me off. I screamed as not only I, but my bike as well flipped off into the air.

As I was in the air, laughter was what I could hear over my pounding heart in my ears. I hit the ground hard and went rolling fast until gravity decided to slow me down and stop me. I could feel pain in my arms...chest...and most definitely my legs. Over my nose and in the corner of my lip, I felt the places stinging. Quickly looking up, I evaluated the scene. My bike lay on the ground some feet away from me and kids were all crowded around, clapping and laughing. Two boys were high-fiving each other. What was going on...?

Reaching up, I touched the bridge of my nose and hissed. Looking at my finger, I found a small amount of blood on it. Looking down at my legs, I found some large scratches that were bleeding...a lot. To see so much blood... It scared me. It scared me to the point tears began to bubble in my eyes. I bit my bottom lip, not wanting to cry in front of these cruel monsters.

“That’s where you belong slut. On the ground.” I heard someone say. Looking up, I saw it was a girl I didn’t even know. What were they talking about...? “You think you can steal our Ji Ho Sunbae and then try the same thing with our Goo Joon Pyo?!” Someone else hissed. H-Huh...? Steal? I never stole anyone... Smelling smoke, I looked over to see that my bike...was on fire. The two boys who had obviously sent me flying in the air were dancing around it, laughing as the students around them clapped. What was wrong with these people?! This isn’t even humane! I thought.

Noticing that medium sized water balloons were being passed out, my eyes zeroed in on the people, each gaining even eviler smirks. I felt a slight tear roll down my cheek as I watched them all. Get up... Came a voice from inside my head...but it didn’t sound like me at all. My eyes widened. Get up now... Do not let them put you upon the ground so easily! Demanded the masculine voice. It was right... I couldn’t just sit here.

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