Chapter One

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I am editing now because I didn't like where my story was going. Please re-read this chapter. More updates coming soon!

 "Get up or your going to miss the bus!"  Mom yells from downstairs.

"I'm up." I reply loud enough for her to hear after a few seconds.

In all honesty, I have been away for around three hours in a state of half awareness. I have the same repetitive dream almost every night, and it still manages me to freak me the hell out. It never shows me what is behind that door, or even who my captor is. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I try to forget the wretched dream.

 I roll my lazy ass out of bed and start to face reality. I have to go to school today like any other of the mass population of hormonal teenagers. Or I like to call it, "My personal hell-hole."  Tenth grade started around three months ago, and I am already lagging behind. An unfinished Civics project lays strewn across my desk along with several crushed up energy drinks. I stumble over there and take a swig of a half empty can, but only to spill the rest on my project.

"Crap. Well, that's just freaking great!" I yell towards no one but myself.

I manage to save most of the project with an old bath towel, but my rough draft for my essay was covered in blue.  I grumble about that for around five minutes because I realize my partner is going to kill me.

Lance Jones is probably one of the most idiotic class partners you could possibly have.  And I was lucky enough to have him out of the twenty-seven other people in the class. When we were in seventh grade together, something weird happened. Lance and I used to be best friends, but one day he came to school and something was rather off about him. His hair was a mess, which was odd because he was always really picky about his hair. You should have seen how many bottles of hair gel he went through in a month. It was freaking ridiculous.

I didn't say anything about his hair all day. I just kind of ignored him, because for some reason I had the feeling that we were going to get into a fight. Around fifth period, Lance snapped. I made a joke about his locker and he went all Donkey Kong on me. He slammed me against the wall, then punched me in the stomach. I crouched down on the floor to protect myself, but the punched and kicks kept on coming. Five of the teachers and the vice principle literally had to pull him away from me. Lace got suspended for two weeks for fighting, and my mother wanted to press charges against him. I refused, because at the time, I was still holding on to the fact that we might be able to salvage our friendship. I made several attempt to talk to him once he got back to school, but Lance seemed to blame me for getting him suspended.  After a month, he became dead to me as a friend.

I make sure all of the drink is cleaned up, and head towards the bathroom. I do all of my business and wash my hands in the sink.

When I look in the mirror, I see a boy with dirty blond hair with a neon blue streak in it. Normally don't dye my hair, but Tanner convinced me. By convincing me, he dyed my hair while I was sleeping at two o'clock in the morning. I knd of like it, so I never did change it back to my natural color. I see dark blue eyes and tan skin with a small scar on my left temple as I brush my teeth. The scar was from petting my great Aunt Rose's half blind cat when I was about six years old. I still don't like cats because of that.

I spit the nasty mint stuff out of my mouth, and begin to was my face. Six hours of sleep is not enough for the teenage boy's mind. My body cannot process all the things I need to learn today without some kind of boost. Maybe I should start doing cocaine in the mornings to wake me up?

No, I don't think that would help me. That stuff fries your brain, so I think I'll just stick with coffee. Once I rinse my mouth for the last time, I take one last glance into the mirror.  With my looks and semi-built lanky body, I feel like I can hold myself up with the the ladies. Too bad I am one step away from being a socially awkward nerd who sits in the dark playing video games all day.

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