16 New Light

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There are times when you feel lost, like having no clue what are you doing exactly in your life. You don't really know how to face your battles alone without depending on anyone's help. You're feeling unproductive and it feels like you're not doing your best to achieve your goals. You're not motivated enough to face the given challenges of life. You're scared that you'll end up settling for less than you deserve. I know, I know how it feels to wake up every morning feeling unsure about whatever it is you have to do. But life doesn't stop just because you're on the verge of giving up. You have to remind yourself that the world won't stop for anyone and whether your like it or not you have to keep moving. Be mindful about the fact that life is really a constant series of setbacks, disappointments, and struggles and that's okay. You just need to keep moving forward. As the saying goes, "Fall back seven times, stand up eight".

Truth be told, there’s really no way to have it all figured out, no way to plan for the unknown, no way to really know what it is you want to do with your life.

Not until you start. Not until you make a basic plan and it goes to sh*t and you start completely over. Not until you work a job and realize you hate it and begin the process again. Not until you face disappointments and instead of giving up on your dreams you'll still continue to strive until you make it. Not until you fail and decided to try once again.

You have to try, darling. You have to do, go, live. Because these are the years to grow, to take a terrible job to find your limits, to go back for a second degree, to chase the human you love across the country, to change your major for the fourth time, to try a long distance relationship, to spend money on ridiculously expensive concerts, to move to a foreign city alone, to throw what’s realistic aside and follow your passions. But you can’t sit back passively and watch the years go by, hoping one day you’ll figure it out.

Because trust me, you will. You just have to put your utmost trust in Him. You have to believe in His words because even though life seems tough, you're never alone. He's there to guide you every step of the way. You don't have to worry about the things that are beyond your control. Surrender everything to Him and ask for His help and I guarantee you, you'll never be disappointed. Let Him rule over you and one way or another you'll start figuring everything out. Remember, your future is already written in God's book.

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