10 Say A Little Prayer

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In case you're lost and wondering what is your purpose in life seek Him first and He'll rule over you. How? By saying a little prayer.

Prayer is how we converse with God. Prayer is how we get in touch with the essence of who we are. Prayer is trying to bridge our inner and outer self- with God. It is through these conversations with God without and God within that I believe we can find out who we really are and to pray for help to redirect ourselves to what we want to become. Through these conversations we can find our way through Spirit, in God, and therefore, to gradually change ourselves into our very best possible versions. Prayer can heal and transform our very essence to that which we wish to become.

There are times that it's so hard and painstakingly fearful to see what is really the will of God for us. There were so many other pains and heartaches inside. We sometimes don't even understand and expect his doings. One thing's for sure though that there are hidden messages beneath those struggles, trials and sufferings, we just have to put our utmost trust and faith in Him because if we do that nothing can go wrong.

In order for us to see the beautiful side of every bad situations, we must always trust His unconditional love for us. There are things that are beyond our control and we must accept it but despite of that we have a full control to our feelings amidst sufferings and trials in life. It is our attitude, our heart and soul beliefs, and more importantly action, what we think, do or say that matters to God.

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