03 ripple effect

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Ripple Effect

How terrible it is to hurt someone, to damage someone you really care for and to do it so unconsciously and without any effort. And despite our best attempt, our guilt will be fed as long as we breathe, it will disturb us as long as we live.

In the past, we hurt ourselves deeply. Being treated like shit by someone who has mastered the art of tearing us own and building us back up again, so we come to associate them with the “repair and soothe” feelings they provide without ever realizing that they are the ones making us feel like crap in the first place. We’re not aware how deep our wounds are but we knew for a fact that it exists. That it hurts when it is touched. It will be like a scab that won’t heal.

We became cruel and self centered while nursing the fragility of our souls. And while we’re busy with our own pain, we can hurt someone too because we'll realise that we’ll never be good enough, because what we’re trying to measure up to just does not fucking exist. These lives do not exist. These relationships do not exist. Yet, we can’t believe it. We see it with our own eyes. And, we want it. And, we will make ourselves and other miserable until we get it. Domino effect. 

We never meant to hurt someone but we probably did. We fail to love ourselves the way we want to be loved. Unintentionally, we ended up making a deep wound in someone else’s heart. It never occurred to us that anything like that might be possible. That, it might happen. .

We hurt someone so deeply, we damaged them beyond repair, but we can’t save them. Because the more we touch them, the more that they will shatter. So we were left with a small prayer and a hope that someday, they’ll recover, that they won’t be like us—- broken, hopeless and haunted by the past.

We're just a bunch of messed ups aren't we?

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