Chapter Twenty-Five

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"There's no way I'm going to that" I glare down at the invitation between my fingers the next morning. It's invitation to a ball. Balls mean heels and fancy dresses and looking beautiful, I can't do either of those three things.

"Grace!" Arnica whines like a child, stomping her foot dramatically. "You have to come, I know it's late notice but this is really important for Xavier and it would show you're being a supportive and caring girlfriend."

"Don't try and use that one to make me come" I roll my eyes at her. "Why do you want to go to a ball filled with famous criminal gang leaders and their partners? How does that sound at all appealing to you?"

"Because Noah will be there in a flash suit looking hot as fuck and I'm not missing that because my best friend doesn't like putting on makeup."

"You can go without me, Xavier already said he doesn't expect me to come. It's just something they do once a year, he's gone without a date every other year. He knows I hate being apart of gang things and being surrounded by criminals. Especially these criminals Arnica, they run gangs. They're not all going to be like Noah and Xavier."

"Grace there are going to be tons of hot gangster girls there dressed up in gowns trying to get all over your man. You can either stay here tonight like a crybaby or get dressed up super hot with me and make Xavier go crazy when he sees you. There's going to be food and expensive things everywhere! Come on! It's going to be exciting!"

I tuck my lips together and stare at her smirking face. She's good at convincing me to do things I don't want to do.

"Fine" I sigh and she squeals like an idiot. "You better not make me regret this."

"Trust me, you will not regret this."


I sigh at myself in the mirror.

I haven't seen Xavier or Noah all day. They've been too busy organizing things for this crazy ball. Who would've thought gang leaders would go to a ball? You'd think if this was that important Xavier would've told me about it earlier rather than forgetting and telling me the night before.

That's boys for you.

Arnica made us spend all day getting ready. She dragged us to stores and made us get our makeup and hair done like we're about to get married. It's ridiculous. Xavier had given Arnica his card behind my back because he knows I hate spending his money. I know he has plenty of it but I don't want to be a girlfriend who relies on her boyfriend for everything and spends all of his money, that's not who I am.

So, you can imagine how shocked I was when I found out Xavier bought me a $12,000 gown without telling me.

Who does that?

It's a beautiful soft rose colour, the silk hugs my torso and flows softly from my waist down to the floor. I don't do this dress justice, it belongs on a supermodel, not on plain old me. The heels Arnica chose for me make me nearly six inches taller than I usually am and I feel totally out of my comfort zone, unlike Arnica who is a natural born princess.

I'm more of a sweatpants and messy hair kind of girl. Also yoga pants, I feel like people really forget to appreciate how comfortable yoga pants are.

You can still see the few bumps of teenage acne on my forehead, even under the makeup layer.  I can't stop the weight insecurities from filling my head in the tight dress that's much too elegant for me as well.

I don't think I can do this. I feel like a potato in a pink dress.


I spin around when the bathroom door opens behind me. Xavier's standing in the doorway, dressed in an expensive dark suit and tie that hugs his muscular figure perfectly and leaves me breathless automatically. He's freshly shaven and his hairs styled back perfectly from his face, like he's just come from a photo-shoot.

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