Chapter Three

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Thank you so much to @iamhalouma for this amazing cover. 

This chapter was very hard to edit without changing it too much, so I'm just going to post it basically how it was. :) 

"What do you want?" I whisper, staring directly at the man who had held me captive last night. The bullet hole is still in the centre of his forehead and his skin is the same ghostly white colour as it was when he fell lifelessly to the ground.

"You could've saved me" his haunting figure answers as I shake my head. How could I have helped him? "You let me die Grace."

"What could I have done? You were going to kill me" I say quickly, following him down the same alleyway we were in hours ago. "I couldn't help you."

"It's your fault I'm dead!" His large figure suddenly roars and I gasp when I notice the same blade he had last night between his fingers again. "And now it's your turn sweetheart......"

My chest is rising and falling uncontrollably when I sit up, suddenly awake. My fingers still tremble at the memory of what I witnessed last night, seeing that man die right before my eyes.

The room I find myself in is a decent size but it's undecorated, like nobody's been in here before. I can see a door leading to an ensuite across from where I'm lying in this large double bed but it too looks empty and plain. Everything in here is either black or white and almost reminds me of a hotel room with its airy hollowness.

Where am I?

As I pull the blankets back from my body, I notice I'm still wearing my dress from last night and relief floods through me like a title wave. I can see my shoes in the corner of the room as well.

My phone is thankfully sitting on the dresser beside the bed and I quickly reach for it, it's barely eight so I'm not surprised that I haven't heard anything from either Mason or Arnica yet. They're probably still asleep and hungover and I'd say they'll be like that for a while.

Slowly I pull myself to the side of the mattress, placing my toes on the cool ground and forcing my aching body to stand up. The full length mirror on the wall confirms my thoughts. My neck has dry blood across marks that look like cat claws from the knife and the small amount of makeup I put on the night before is completely smudged. The birds nest on the top of my head looks greasy now and parts of my dress are covered in large dirt stains. I barely recognise the pale girl staring back at me.

Cautiously I decide to make my way into the ensuite that doesn't look like it's ever been used, washing my face with warm water and trying to take as much of the blood from my neck as I can. As I do, the water turns a horrible shade of dirty red, only reinforcing what happened last night into my rattled mind.

My trembling fingers quickly plait my knotted hair back from my face, as badly as I want to freak out and cry - I know I need to focus on getting home safely first.

Trying to be as quiet as I can, I step out into the corridor that is again plain and undecorated. Did Xavier bring me back to some kind of hotel? At least I know he won't kill me like I thought he would last night, if he was going to he would've done it by now. Right? Or maybe he wanted to drag it out. Either way, I was completly scrrewed.

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