Chapter Ten

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Groaning I roll over the next morning when something pokes me. At first I ignore it and instead pull the blankets up higher over my body. However, the annoying poking simply continues. "Good morning Poppet!" Sam grins widely as he plops down beside me on the bed.

"I set an alarm!" I suddenly realise, staring at the bubbly brunette, a cheeky smile spreads across his face at this. "What time is it? Please don't tell me it's after seven."

"It's nearly eleven" he shrugs as I gasp, quickly sitting up. I'm so dead. "I may or may not have turned off your alarm before you woke up."

"I have school today!" I groan and slap my hand against my forehead. "My parents are going to kill me! I was supposed to be home last night but I snuck out and now I've missed a day of school. I never do this kind of stuff."

"Yeah, I figured you don't break the rules very often" Sam lifts his eyebrows as I try to calm myself down. "Relax, I've got it under control. You call your parents, tell them you feel sick and don't want to go to school, they're not home so they won't know and then you can hang out with me today."

"I haven't had a day off school this year" I rest back against the pillows in defeat as Sam's mouth falls open, like I've told him something insane.

"What the fuck" he exclaims. "Then you definitely need to have the day off, are you trying to kill yourself? Who chooses to go to school? That's the most fucked up shit I've ever heard."

"I choose to" I sit up again slowly, I know I must look like a wreck and my cramps are still killing me. "But it's not like I have choice now" Sam smiles innocently as I grab my phone, hopefully if I text Mum and tell her then she won't mind.


"Yes Sam?" I don't know where his nickname for me's come from but it's starting to feel familiar already.

"Xavier is totally whipped" his smile grows even wider if possible. "I never thought I'd see the day, it's brilliant."

"He's not whipped" I answer quickly, hitting Sam with one of the pillows from the bed when he tries to poke my blushing cheek.

"Oh no, most gang leaders drive all the way to town to buy every kind of female product there is in a store" Sam looks at me blankly. "You're either a witch that has him under some kind of a spell or you're amazing as sucking his dic-"

"Sam!" I clasp a hand over his loud mouth and plead him to be quiet, hoping he'll change the subject when I lower my hand from his mouth again. "You're disgusting."

"I try my best" he smirks widely and wriggles his eyebrows, throwing a pile of girls clothes at me. "They're new, get changed and come out when you're done."

He scurries outside the room before I can say anything else about it or ask him why on earth he bought me a new dress. I quickly pull the simple denim material over my head when he yells at me to hurry up from the other side of the closed door.

"I have amazing taste" he claps his hands together. "I knew that would look perfect on you! It brings out your eyes."

"Thank you" I answer, the pink begins to form on my cheeks and he pinches them as we walk downstairs. "But you really didn't need to buy me anything."

"No sweat babes" he replies as I follow him down each step, careful not to trip like I usually do with my two left feet.

"Where's Xavier?" I ask, realising I almost totally forgot that he's supposed to be here somewhere.

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