Chapter Nine

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The drive was much faster than I expected it to be, only about ten minutes. Xavier's taken so many left and right turns that I have no idea how he knows where to go. I've never been to this part of town before, there's only a few cars that pass by every now and then.

I can feel his gaze on me every few seconds but neither of us have spoken to each other and I keep my gaze focused on the trees flying past my window. The car turns to the right and a high security fence is in front of us with a bolted metal gate, Xavier leans over the window and types in some kind of long code before the gates open. Wow.

"This is Sam's house?" I gap at the large building, there are so many expensive looking cars parked outside.

"He and Tom live together" Xavier explains. "They'll be a couple of my men here probably, but you won't need to talk to them."

"How many will be in there?" I ask as Xavier gets ready to get out. One gang leader is enough for now, I don't know whether I want to be around anymore than that while I get use to all of this.

"Not many, you won't be around them anyway" he answers and I nod silently, unsure of what to say.  "Don't worry, I'll keep you away from them."

Xavier walks around to my side of the car and opens my door for me. His large frame looks down at me as he extends his hand for me to take.

"Thank you" I whisper. He obviously senses my nervousness because he places his large hand on the centre of my back, holding me close to him as we walk towards the large front door.

"Breathe Grace" He whispers. His voice is close to my ear and his warm breath fans my tingling skin, how does he not understand that I can never breathe when he stands this close to me?

"Are you sure I'm allowed here?" I answer just as quietly back. I feel so out of place in my old jeans and hoodie, this place looks like a palace and I look like a rag doll.

"I'm the boss" he pushes the door open without knocking and holds it open for me to walk inside. "You're allowed wherever you want."

"Thank you" I tell him again. My eyes scan over each detail of the expensively designed house that's decorated with what looks like real gold, how rich are these people?

"Come" Xavier's hand returns to my lower back, guiding me through the maze of corridors that seem to be in every direction. I can hear voices in the room he's guiding me to and I bring myself back so I'm slightly behind him and hidden by his large shoulders as he pushes the door open.

The chatter in the room instantly dies down to silence, I can barely bring myself to look up past Xavier's tense body.

"Sir" A man speaks, obviously surprised "We weren't expecting you here yet."

"Change of plans" Xavier answers. His tone is almost unrecognisable. "I need to see you all in the study, now."

"Yes Boss" I can hear movement and that's when I decide to lift me head. I can see Sam, the other men here seem much more serious than he does in his shorts and singlet, he smiles cheekily when he sees me. He looks like a boy compared to the men around him who dress in all black and are extremely buff and intimidating.

"Will you be alright staying with Sam for a little while?" Xavier looks down at me and speaks in a hushed whisper so the rest of the men can't hear. "There's something I need to check out, I'll try not to be to long."

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