Chapter Thirteen: Bad Business

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As the first two weeks went by, April started to need more things. I couldn't buy them all AND save up for a house, so I was kind of in a bad position... I needed a job. I told April this, and she agreed, but I didn't know where I could find a good job. Then, one day when I was walking to the store to get some more food, I found the perfect job.

I was passing a row of warehouses, and in one alley I saw a guy hand another guy drugs in exchange for money. I stared at them, and the drug-dealer snapped his head up, spotting me. I was frozen in place, and the other guy ran off. The first guy ran up to me and slammed me against the wall, pointing his gun at me.

"You're in the wrong place at the wrong time kid." He growled.

"What are you talking about?" I choked out, as the guy's other hand gripped my throat.

"You saw me making a deal, and I can't have you report me. So I'm giving you a choice. You either die now, or you come work for us." He said. Was this really happening right now? I was being offered a job at gunpoint?

"I'll- I'll work f-for you." I said, struggling for air. The guy dropped me to the ground and I laid there clutching my throat.

"Good. Follow me. Antonio will be pleased." He said, motioning for me to follow him. I slowly got up and walked behind him to a warehouse nearby, and he unlocked the door and slipped inside. There was a table near the back of the large room, and another man was sitting there, smoking a blunt.

"What have we here?" He asked as I was roughly shoved to stand in front of him.

"He caught me selling, but he said in exchange for that he'll work for us instead of getting a cap busted in his ass." The guy said.

"Wise choice. I'm Antonio." The man said, holding out his hand. I hesitantly shook it.

"This is Damond right here, sorry for the inconvenience of how you met him, but he's actually a cool guy." Antonio said. I looked at Damond and he was smirking at me.

"So you wanna work for us? Great. We make some pretty good money, but there's only one rule. You're in it for life." Antonio said, cracking his knuckles. I gulped. For life...

"You quit. You're dead." He continued, an evil smile spreading across his face.

"Anyway, I have a lot of guys, so I only need 10% of what you make each day. The rest is yours. Stash is in the back. Have fun." He said. Have fun? Did he SERIOUSLY just say 'have fun?!' Damond led me to the back and then showed me the stash. My mouth fell open in shock and he smirked at me as he handed me some. 

"Get out there. Doesn't matter what hours you work, just get the boss his money." Damond said, leaving the warehouse. I stood there with drugs in my hand, looking like an idiot. I let out a deep breath and followed Damond, going on the other side of the warehouses to sell. Apparently all of their customers knew where the 'spot' was, so it didn't take long to get a good amount of money. I just hoped April would be okay with this-

"What are you doing?" A voice said behind me. I turned around and saw April glaring at me.

"I thought you were staying at home." I said nervously, trying to hide the evidence behind my back. 

"I was going to, but you were gone for too long and I decided to go look for you. Then I find this." she said disapprovingly. 

"Look April, I'm sorry, but it's the only job I can find that pays this much. And I really need the money." I said, trying to get her to see where I was coming from. Finally, she let out a sigh and then I smiled hesitantly. 

"Fine, but be home soon." she said, leaning in and kissing me. I kissed her back and then she pulled away, walking down the street and heading back home. I let out a sigh and counted my money. I had a good amount, so I went back in the warehouse. Anotonio was pleased to see me, and I handed him ten percent of what I had before I was dismissed. I sighed and turned around, walking out the door and heading home. 

When I walked in the front door, I walked upstairs and saw April on the bed eating ice cream. I rolled my eyes as I spotted all the candy wrappers and food leftovers strewn around her. Yeah, she was pregnant alright. And I was on the way to getting us a better house. 



A few weeks later, I was beginning to get worried, and so was Chris. We both knew that my birthday was tomorrow, the day that I was supposed to move on. I didn't want to leave Chris, and all day he just held me in his arms, telling me how much he loved me. We were already moved into a new house he had saved up for, but that didn't look like it mattered now.  I was more scared for the tiny life inside of me though. What would happen to him or her? Would they die as well? Tears were pouring down my face as I held Chris tighter, and I began sobbing into his chest. He rubbed my back soothingly. 

"Shh, April, it's okay. No matter what, I'll always love you and the baby. Nothing can keep us apart." he said. 

"That might have been true in the past, but I think this one thing has the power to tear us apart." I whispered. I heard him sigh, and I knew I was right. Nothing could keep us apart, except for this. 

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