Chapter Nine: I Don't Belong Here

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"What?!" I said sharply.

"My promise to you was to wait for you and love you forever. Even if I pass on, I'll still love you. The only reason I stayed was because I had to wait for you. I'm not eighteen yet, but my birthday is next month. When I turn eighteen... I have to go." She said sadly. I grabbed her shoulders and made her look at me.

"What are you talking about?" I said in a fearful tone.

"My place is there, Chris. Not here. My time on this earth is almost up. And then I have to go." She sobbed.

"April you can't leave me! You promised me you'd never leave me!" I said, tears filling my eyes.

"And this is one promise I can't keep." She whispered.

"You can't leave me." I whispered back.

"I don't want to. I want to stay here with you forever. But I died, Chris. I can't exist here anymore." I couldn't believe that she was telling me this. It was unfair! We were meant to be together forever. Or so I thought...

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked. She bit her lip.

"One day we will see each other again. But I doubt you'll remember me." She said, placing her hand on my heart. I held it there and closed my eyes.

"I'll always remember you April. And I'll always love you." I vowed.

"Do you promise?" She asked.

"I promise." I said, kissing her lips. I could taste her tears as she kissed me back. I never wanted to leave her. I wanted her by my side forever. But maybe forever wasn't going to last as long as I thought it would. Her lips moved against mine slowly, and I jumped when I felt her cold hands inching up my shirt. I pulled it over my head and tossed it to the floor. Then she moved her hands to the button of my jeans. My hand stopped hers and I pulled away.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Do you want to...?" She asked.

"You're okay with that?" I whispered. She nodded and I slowly slipped off her shirt.

"If you're okay with it then so am I." I said. She smiled and brought her lips back to mine as the rest of our clothing was tossed to the floor. In the next moment, her glorious body was against mine and I was the happiest man alive. I had been dreaming of this for the past two years. She was mine now. I just wished she could be mine forever.


After Chris and I made love, I was curled against his chest and sobbing. I didn't want to lose him. Why would God put such a perfect person in my life if not for me? What was the whole purpose of us meeting? Although one good thing had come out of it. Chris had taught me how to love. And I loved him unconditionally. He just held me and let me cry out my feelings for him, but even if I cried forever, my heart would still be shattered. We were forced to be apart. My worst nightmare was coming true. I would lose him.

"April. I love you." He was saying repeatedly in my ear. I hugged him back tightly and squeezed my eyes shut.

"I love you too Christopher." More than he would ever know...

"I'm sorry it has to be like this." I continued.

"Everything happens for a reason." He said sadly, rubbing my back to soothe me. Soon my sobs turned to sniffles and I just laid there against him, never wanting this moment between us to end. After a few more minutes, he stood up and began getting dressed.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, drying my face.

"I don't like the fact that you're living here. And I don't wanna sleep all day again. I'm gonna go get a job." He said with a shrug.

"A job? Where?" I asked.

"The mall I guess. GameStop maybe." He said.

"Oh." I replied, tugging the sheets up further.

"You coming?" He asked, tying his shoes.

"Sure." I said, getting up and getting dressed quickly.

"So you don't like taxis because you were in an accident?" Chris questioned suddenly. I nodded and looked down.

"I'm sorry for making you ride in one." He apologized.

"It's fine." I said softly. He took my hand and walked with me, but he kept me closer than usual. Maybe trying to prevent the fact that he was going to lose me.


I was torn in two. I couldn't lose April. I was going to find some way to stop it. She was mine. I didn't care if this was only her spirit, it was still her. I decided to walk to the mall, since I hated to see April's expression when we took a taxi. We got there within twenty minutes, and I led her into GameStop. I went up front and asked the guy if they had any open spots, and surprisingly he said they could hire another person. He handed me an application and I filled it out and gave it right back to him. He said he would call me tomorrow to tell me if I got the job, and I nodded and left with April. We walked around the mall for awhile, but I could tell she really didn't want to be here. She didn't want to be anywhere. She was still mourning the loss of her life. I was thinking about how I could save her. There had to be a way. Because I never planned on losing her.

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