Chapter Three: Death

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"No no no no, see I don't think you understand, that's not possible." I said. The police officer looked back at the computer.

"Oh, I'm sorry, she doesn't live in Virginia currently, but those are the last records we have of her. She lived there when she was sixteen." He said.

"Yes, I KNOW that, but that was two years ago. So you're telling me she's never set foot in California?" I asked.

"Not to my knowledge." The guy responded.

"Okay, fine. Thanks for the help." I said, turning around and walking out the door. I was angry. I called a taxi and gave him the last bit of money I was carrying, telling him the street to drop me off on. I was going back to that house, and I was going inside to make sure she wasn't there.

When I was dropped off in front of her house, I twisted the doorknob, and the lock on the door broke quickly, it just gave way. Whoa, this house WAS old. I cautiously went inside and looked around, but it was completely silent. I went upstairs, and they creaked as I walked on them. I got to the top of the stairs and noticed a door, but it was shut. I opened it and then peeked inside, and my legs almost gave out. She was sitting on the bed, her back facing me. Her beautiful long brown hair was facing me and I was speechless.

"A-April?" I asked. She spun around and saw me, and a smile instantly appeared on her face. I ran towards her and crushed her in a hug, and she hugged me back just as tightly. Then I pulled away slightly and crushed my lips to hers eagerly. She looked surprised but kissed me back, and I groaned as our lips moved together in sync. My dreams were wrong. Kissing her was better than I remembered. When she finally pulled away, she looked amazed.

"Chris." She said, touching my cheek.

"I love you." I said to her. She smiled and her eyes teared up.

"I love you too." She replied. I didn't want to ask her any questions right now, I just wanted to have this moment with her. She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me again, and I noticed how cold she was.

"Baby, are you okay?" I whispered as I held her.

"I-I'm fine." She stuttered, but I could tell she was lying. Why would she lie?


When I saw Chris, at first I didn't think he saw me. And then when he kissed me, I realized he could see me, and he could touch me. It was amazing how these things worked out. I had to hold back tears, because I knew our love couldn't last forever. There was a reason I lived in an abandoned house without my parents. I was...dead.

That day two years ago when my family and I left Virginia, there was a terrible accident. We were on the road, and the car in front of us was going really slow. My father got impatient, so he tried to go in the other lane to swerve around it. When he went into the other lane, he didn't realize that a giant truck was speeding towards us, but it was too late. The truck crashed into us and kept going, and the car was knocked off the road. It rolled down the slope into the woods, and landed in a river. We were all killed instantly, but there was never a report, so our bodies were never found. I knew I was dead. There was a bright light, but it was so bright that I couldn't look directly at it. I began to walk towards it, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I turned and saw my mom, and she was smiling apologetically at me.

"You're not ready yet sweetheart." She had said. Her voice echoed through the empty space, and I became confused.

"Why? I want to go." I had replied.

"You made a promise. You promised him you would wait for him and love him forever. You can't break that promise. It's not your time. Not yet..." She told me, her voice fading away. Her image disappeared, and I was spinning through blackness until I hit something hard. The wind was knocked out of me and I landed on the forest floor, gasping for breath. I got up slowly, standing next to the twisted piece of metal that used to be our car. But it was different. I felt... Off. Like something was wrong. I looked to the side and screamed. I saw my body, covered in blood and laying against the trunk of a tree. Tears poured down my face. I looked down at my own body and saw it fully intact, but I knew I wasn't me. I was dead.

I ran up the hill and into the road, waving my arms to stop any passing cars, but no one noticed me. No one at all... I realized with a jolt... Maybe they couldn't see me. Oh my god. They really couldn't see me. And maybe Chris couldn't see me either.

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