Chapter Eleven: Change

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In the morning when I woke up, I looked at the clock. 11:03. I stretched and yawned, and my phone started buzzing. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed it.

"Hello?" I said sleepily.

"Is this Mr. Brown?" Some guy said on the other line.

"Yeah. Who's asking?" I said.

"Did you apply for a job here at Game Stop yesterday?"

"Oh, yeah! Yeah, I did." I said in an embarrassed voice.

"Well, congratulations. You got the job. Your hours are 11:30 to 3:00 for $8 an hour every day. Is that good?" The guy asked.

"Yeah, that's perfect." I said, already pulling on my pants as I climbed out of bed.

"Cool. You can start today. I look forward to seeing you." The guy said, and then the line went dead. I put the phone back on the nightstand and continued getting ready. April was just rolling out of bed, probably startled by the noise I was making.

"Where are you going?" She asked sleepily.

"I got the job." I said happily.

"That's great!" She said, sitting up.

"I have to be there in fifteen minutes. Wanna come?" I asked.

"Sure, but I don't think I can get ready in fifteen-"

"Just put on one of my t-shirts. No one will notice." I said quickly, tying my shoes. She shrugged and did what I told her to do as I rushed out the door with her at my side. I was jogging the whole way so I could make it to the mall in time. When I was almost there, I looked at April.

"Hey if you steal some food or something and bring it to me, do other people just see a floating bag?" I asked curiously.

"Any inanimate object I touch becomes invisible until I let go of it." She said.

"Okay, well while I'm at work can you bring me some food please? I don't wanna be late." I pleaded.

"Okay. You're just lucky I can steal it easily." She said. I smirked at her and then walked in the mall, going to the Game Stop. April went to the food court as I walked in. I told the guy up front who I was and he gave me the uniform and a name tag and said I could get started. I went to the nearest bathroom and changed, and when I got back to the store April was sitting on the counter with my food. The people around her were oblivious to her presence. I inconspicuously motioned for her to come to me, and she walked over and handed me the food. I thanked her quietly and then went up front and started eating under the counter. I didn't know if I was allowed to be eating right now, but there weren't many customers. April kept teasing me, kissing my neck or letting her hands wander up my back. And it killed me that I couldn't respond. I didn't want to get fired for talking to myself.



The rest of the day was uneventful, and it actually went pretty well for Chris. The same thing happened with the next few days. I always went to work with him and just watched him or brought him food. I could wander around the mall, but there was nothing to see. I just wanted to see Chris, because next month I wouldn't get to see him anymore.

About a week later, I woke up in the middle of the night and ran to the bathroom, vomiting. I wiped my mouth and laid on the floor groraning. I felt horrible. I made sure to keep it down, though. I didn't need Chris to wake up and come see what was going on. I started crying on the floor, the pain in my stomach increasing. I realized after a moment that I was...hungry. But that was impossible! I didn't have to eat food! Food actually tasted horrible to me... When my stomach growled loudly, I got up and ran downstairs, opening all the cupboards. Nothing there. Of course there was nothing there, why would I even bother to look? I opened the door and slipped outside, walking down the sidewalk until I saw a gas station. I went inside and grabbed a bunch of candy bars and chips and water bottles. Then, with my arms full, I walked quickly back home, munching on a bag of chips the whole way there. Food had never tasted so good in my life. Something was wrong with me. Terribly wrong.

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