Chapter One: Disappeared

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*2 years later*


I was 17, but I would be 18 in a few weeks. I was buzzing with excitement to see April. We had been calling and texting and video chatting more than often, mostly because she was just as excited as I was. Whenever we video chatted or talked on the phone though, I never heard her parents in the background. And let me tell you, her parents are some loud people. I never asked about it, but her room didn't really look like a room either. It was just blank. And April always seemed sad... It was more than being away from me, I could just tell. Something else was going on. I just needed time to hurry up so I could go find out what it was. I pulled out my phone and went to her name.

"Hey beautiful <3" I wrote.

"Hello handsome ;)" she wrote. I laughed. She hardly ever called me handsome. She must be in a good mood today. I loved texting her, but really I just wanted to feel her soft lips against mine. I hadn't felt them in so long. Damn! I was thinking about kissing her again! I had TOLD myself countless times not to do that, because then I just ended up wanting her. I wished I would've made her mine before she left. But I never got the chance to make love to her.

"I miss you." I wrote.

"I know. I miss you more. I can't wait till u get here :( hurry please." She wrote back.

"My heart is with you." I typed.

"I want to be in your arms xC" she complained. This was how our conversations normally went. We just talked for hours about how much we missed each other. It might seem depressing, but to us it was satisfying. We knew that our love for each other hasn't faded one bit, no matter the distance between us.


Two days before my birthday, I had already packed my stuff. My whole room was bare, and my parents never came in my room, so they were unaware of it. I had managed to get an airplane ticket to L.A, and everything was going perfect. I had four suitcases under my bed, and I had managed to cram all of the things from my room into them. It was hard work, but it fit. I felt like sleeping to make the two days go by more quickly, but that wasn't going to happen.

When my parents said they were going out to the store, I nodded and then as soon as they were gone I took all of my suitcases and put two in the trunk of my car and the other two in the backseat. I held my airline ticket in my hand. I was ready.

I ran back in the house and decided to play video games to pass the time. That usually worked.

About 8 hours later, I had a pounding headache from staring at that stupid screen all day, but it was worth it since it was about 9:30 now. I never went to sleep this early, but I wanted to tonight. I got in bed and texted April.

"Goodnight sweetheart." I wrote.

"Since when do u go to bed this early? Are u sick?" She replied. I laughed. Always worried about me.

"No baby I just want the time to go by faster so I can see u." I said.

"Oh. I love you." She responded.

"I love you too." I replied. I sighed and laid my head back. My sweet baby April... I loved her so much. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep, my thoughts of her turning into dreams.


The next morning I woke up and checked my phone for messages from her. Nothing.

"goodmorning babe." I sent. She usually replied within five minutes, but she didn't. I frowned and got on Facebook. I went to her profile page, but it said it had been deleted. What? Why would she delete her Facebook? I then went to twitter, but the same thing happened. I was beginning to get worried now. Skype was the same as well. All of her accounts were deleted. I called her number, and it rang and rang until a machine picked up.

"Hello, the number you are dialing is not in service. Please hang up and try again." I growled angrily and threw the phone to the bed. What was wrong with her? I wanted to go see her early, but I knew my flight didn't leave until tomorrow, and it was frustrating the hell out of me. I tried to take deep breaths and calm myself down, but it wasn't working that well. I prayed that my baby was okay, because if she wasn't, I didn't know what I'd do without her.

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