Chapter 3 - Firo

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Hey guys! ^^ Another update here! And one full of surprises and tears. How do you like it? If you do then please vote and comment!! ^^

PS: Sorry for possible grammatical mistakes.

"I'm Chaos. The creator of Universe."

That's when I stiffen in shock. Relaxation entirely gone. Eyes wide and mouth hanging open like abyss. I step away from him. Surprised. Terrified. Now absolutely disorientated. Not confused. And my mind is shouting only one word.



"Close your mouth, boy or you're gonna start drooling." He smirkes and softly shoves me. I shoot him one angry look. He just grins at me in return. But says nothing. Maybe he's waiting for me to ask. So I do - even if it's not easy to find my voice again. Well, he did quite shocked me there so -

"Why did you saved me?"

He laughs bitterly. That sound sends cold shivers through my body. Scary. "I'm not totally sure myself. I usually only watch aside in shadows."

"So what made you show yourself? What made you do something?"

"You, obviously."

"What so special about me?"

He looks at me in disbelieve. "You're trying to tell me you're not?"

I only shrug.

"Percy, you're one of the strongest creatures I've ever seen. And honest with pure heart. Absolutely loyal. You are special."

"Strongest?" It's my turn turn for bitter laugh. "No, I'm not. If I was, then I would've actually saved all of my friends that are now dead. Bianca. Leo. Luke. Zoe. Charles. Silena. They're gone. Forever."

"Everyone makes mistakes."

"They're not mistakes. They're failures. Payment for my weakness."

"You're blaming yourself too much, Percy. I know about your failures - all of them. And I'm still saying that you are one of the strongest. You just didn't have enough time to bloom. Didn't have enough time to find your true potential. And didn't have the right teacher. Right family."

"My full potential? What do you mean?"

"Your abilities aren't fully evolved. You're capable of more. Much more. And poor Zeus - he did see some of it. That's why he was so determined to get rid of you. He started to feel the change after you came from Tartarus, where you had to push your barriers further to reach for your hidden and blocked power. At least part of it."

"I don't understand. Why all of people I would have such a big potential? Or hidden power? I'm son of Poseidon. One of The Big three gods, but he had children in past and they weren't weaker than me. Or Jason - he's son of Jupiter and I don't think I'm that much stronger than him."

"That's because you don't know how to find it. You can't learn without knowing. You can't find your true powers without knowing, who you really are."

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?!" I yell at him suddenly. Starting to feel anger. Yeah. He was finally answering my questions. But his answers didn't erase my questions. They just started to proliferate. And left me more confused than before.

"Sorry. I guess you need to hear everything from the start to actually understand what I'm trying to tell you. Come, this is gonna take longer. Much more longer." With that he slowly walks into living room and sits comfortably on the sofa. Again with that amused expression on his face. Oh, how much I want to just punch him already. To wipe his smile from his ugly face. I just wish it was ugly. But instead I sit next to him. Not punching him or swearing. He would probably kill me if I did. "Just, please, tell me the truth." And then I patiently wait for answers.

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