Happy Birthday

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Your POV:

I woke up and jumped out of bed. Today was my birthday. I smiled as I made my bed and I put on the dress I wore when I met Bowser and neatly styled my hair. I heard a knock on my door and I opened it. Bowser walked through my door with a small wrapped box in his hands. I thought about everything it could possibly be.
Bowser laughed at my curiosity as we sat on my bed.

"Not now, later." He laughed.

"Happy Birthday." He smiled, wrapping his arm around me.

"Thanks." I smiled, moving closer to Bowser.

"No. Thank you." He smiled leaving with the present.

After he left he poked his head through the door.

"Breakfast will be up in a couple minutes."

He shut the door and went back to his room. In a matter of seconds a few servants brought me my breakfast. I ate my food while I looked off my balcony. It was always so warm in darkland. It was way prettier than they made it seem in video games. There was a huge meadow in the distance, sprinkled with dandelions and daisies. It truly was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I just don't want to leave. One day I'm going to wake up and forget about this. I mean, it's like impossible for this to happen!

Bowser knocked on my door, startling me, almost making me scream.

"Do you want to open your present?" He asked.

I nodded as he passed me the small box. The ribbon was tightly tied, so Bowser had to slice the silky ribbon.

I dug through the tissue paper to find a plane ticket.

"What's it for?" I asked.

"To go home." Bowser sadly sighed.

"But, this is my home." I smiled.

"Then we'll save that for our next trip." He chuckled.

Bowser's POV:

"I'm sorry I can't use it for awhile." Y/N apologized.

"As long as you're happy, I'm happy." I smiled, wrapping my arm around her.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Happy birthday."

                              *  *  *

"This has been the best birthday ever, thank you." Y/N smiled as she delicately cut her steak in half.

"No problem."

I quickly ate my supper, but Sapphire took her time. It was getting late, but neither of us were tired.
We just decided to go to our rooms to relax.


"Goodnight, Bowser."

I shut my door and stepped into my balcony. The moonlight shone dimly, but still provided light. It was cold and flurries gracefully danced in the wind, until they fell onto the snow. It rarely snows here, but when it does, it's harmfully cold to humans. Mario probably hasn't come because of that. Last time he did, he had to leave. Unless he had an ice flower or even a penguin suit. But it doesn't bother me. It never has, never will. Maybe a little, but that's normal! I went back into my room, leaving snowy footprint where I walked.

I'm just so happy she doesn't want to leave. That's all I really need.

I pulled out a dart and threw it at my dartboard with printout of Mario's face taped onto it. It accidentally dented my door.

"Dammit." I growled.

I pulled it out of my door and bitterly stared at the dent. I could easily have it fixed, but I just feel as if I'm getting bad at fighting, Mario should have come yesterday if he was actually trying. As I thought that, I heard the castle door open.

Right on time.

Stupid plumbers.

I got up and out of my room and ran into Y/N's room.


*gasp* cliff hanger!!!!!! New part coming very soon! I'm so sorry for the long wait, next chapter should be up in a few days!

Thank you all for the support!

-Sapphire :)

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