Kidnapping and Hatred

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Your POV:

I laid in bed, exhausted from a long day. I relaxed and closed my eyes.
I tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep. I heard my balcony door quietly open.

What was Mario doing up this late? And why was he here!

I pretended to be asleep as I watched him approach me. He sat at the foot of my bed, watching over me as I 'slept'.
He soon covered my mouth and carried me out to the balcony so him and Luigi could "save the day". I hadn't even apologized to Bowser! I was only lying so he wouldn't rush things! He might never come and kidnap me ever again and I'll just have to stay at the Mushroom Kingdom! I pretended to wake up and scream, but he had covered my mouth. I pulled his short, but somewhat muscular arm away and screamed. I immediately heard Bowser wake up and rush over to me. Bowser ran over to me and pulled me out of Mario's grasp. He gently set me behind him and threw Luigi and Mario far far away from here. I started to cry as I dug my head into his scaled chest.

"I'm so sorry for lying, I just didn't want to rush anything!" I wailed.

"It's okay, and don't worry, I'd never do anything you didn't like." He assured.

"Lies! You have my father kidnapped in the Doomship! You think I'd like that!" I cried as I pushed past him.

"Well, no but..errrm... Y/N! Wait!" He called as he chased after me.

"I want to be alone for once in my life!" I cried running down the steps and ran into a random room, hoping it had a lock. I shut the door and thankfully there was a lock. I tightly locked it and sat up against the door.

"Don't make me do something you'd regret!" He shouted.

"Please, just leave me alone!" I screamed as he banged on the door.

I heard him change sizes until his breathing sounded like loud booming thunder.

"Open the door." He angrily growled.

I quietly sat there, realizing I was going to be in a lot of trouble when I got out.

Bowser's POV:

I grabbed onto the tiny doorknob and pulled the entire door off and reached inside and grabbed Sapphire.
I held her close to my face and she nervously stared into my red eyes.

"Everything I do. It's just to protect everyone. Sure I've made you mad, but have I hurt you?" I calmly asked, but you could tell I was bottling up my uncontrollable anger.

"Bowser, you just care if I'm not hurt physically. I have been hurt. Emotionally." She sighed starting to cry.

"Oh yeah, I forgot! Your a women!" I sarcastically replied.

"Guys have feelings too.." She quietly sniffed.

"No, we don't. At least I don't." I answered.

"Listen. I'm tired of this. I am still your prisoner. I'm not your younger girlfriend or whatever you thought we were. I'm just your prisoner, aren't I?" She asked in a completely furious tone.

"Well, if you want it that way, I can lock you in the basement." I suggested, bored of arguing.

"Fine by me!" She yelled.

I grew back to normal size and held her in my arms as I carried her downstairs.
I walked up to a cell and locked her in.

"I guess this could be a bit better than your room." I smiled.

"I hate you." She growled.

"Fine by me." I snarled.

Before I went upstairs, I looked back to see her crying.

No. I'm not going back. She deserved this. She's just tired or angry. Should I go back and apologize?

I shook my head and walked upstairs.

"You're lucky that I care about you." I grunted as I left the view of her cell.

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