Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry?

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(Lol Justin Bieber)

Your POV:

I cried as I waited for him to come back. I just need someone who I can talk to. I wiped my tears and dug my head into my knees. The dungeon was cold and lonely, the complete opposite of where I'm used to being. I just want to be alone, but with Bowser. Ineed help, but I just don't want help! Why me? Why am I depressed?! My life is already so miserable!

"Ready to forgive me?" Bowser asked, startling me as his voice boomed.

I spun around and his expression changed from angry to confused.

"Why are you crying again!" He demanded.

"You know why." I cried punching his foot through the bars.

"Ummmn....uuuuhhhhh......yeah you like have this thing where you are always ummmmm...." He stammered.

"Depression." I corrected.

"Yeah, that thing." He sighed combing his red hair with his claws.

"It's like you're always sad. Your trapped from happiness. You can't control what you say and snap at people and not realize how awful you are." I cried reminding myself of how mean I was to Bowser earlier.

"But you always seem so happy?" He said confused.

I shook my head and sighed.

"Pretending to be happy is what I'm used to. I told my family I was depressed and no one believed me. I just had to pretend to be happy to not get in trouble." I frowned as my hair covered my face.

"That's awful." He quietly replied.

"I'm so sorry. I'm just a horrible person. I can never forgive myself for everything I've done in my life. I did kiss you. Because I do love you. Not because I'm scared of you. Because I love you so much." I wailed crying more than before.

Bowser's POV:

"I love you too, Y/N. But why are you depressed?" I asked unlocking her cell.

She shrugged and replied.

"I'm not too sure. It just happened to me. One year in sixth grade, I was bullied by my only friend. I had to play football with her and the other guys, because I had no choice. She called me a wimp and always laughed at me. It felt like it was true. No one seemed to care. She even punched me on track and field and I did terrible. And that same year, my parents died. I had to live with my uncle Tyler and my brother and sister went to live with my aunt." She cried hugging me.

I hugged her back and replied.

"That's awful. You know what?" I asked.

"What?" She asked tucking her hair behind her ears.

"You never deserved it. I was bullied as a kid. It sucked. My dad just laughed at the things they said about me. Mario used to call me fat and make stupid jokes about me." I sighed as flashbacks started to haunt my mind.

"That's why you guys hate each other so much?" She asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah. I had a tiny crush on your mother as a kid, so we just used her as someone to kidnap to prove who was better than the other. I eventually got over her a month after, but we just never stopped." I sighed.

"Until now." She smiled.

"I like this much better." I smiled kissing her forehead.

"Me too." She smiled jumping up to kiss my cheek.

"I'm sorry I locked you here." I sighed.

"It's okay. I'm not mad. Just at myself." She frowned.

"And don't worry, I'm going to help you out of this depression thingy." I awkwardly smiled, not having an idea of what to do.

"Thanks." She smiled as we walked upstairs and went our separate ways.

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