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Fire was the one thing that always fascinated Rowan Nyx. 

Fire was alive. It could spread and morph without anyone's or anything's permission. Fire was the source of life but also the source of destruction. 

And Rowan knew that all too well. The burns spreading up her arms and wrapping around her back were all the evidence she needed. Fire was the thing that destroyed her but also the thing that made her. 

It is what created the Phoenix. 

Starling City had many myths and legends. 

One of those many myths was the Phoenix. There were only a select few that had actually witnessed the Phoenix in action. The majority of those people however now resided in Iron Heights Penitentiary. 

However, everyone knew the story of the Phoenix. She was Starling's first hero or as the police would say- vigilante. 

Everyone claimed that the Phoenix was a girl. That she was dressed in black and used a weapon that bit at you like the burn of fire. And everyone believed it. The burns were on the victims. All of the evidence was there. But no one had actually witnessed the Phoenix who wasn't in jail or already dead. 

Rowan relished in her secret. It was her job to protect the area in which she grew up in. She had what she would consider as a lovely childhood until the billionaires of the town gave up on her. On them. 

She was only fifteen when she first began to lose everything. And then things quickly went downhill from there. The raven-haired girl managed to graduate early and go to college the same year. She got her criminology degree and her postsecondary non-degree award, which she needed to enter the fire department. 

Even as she grew her fascination with fire remained. Her extensive burns already existed and she was determined to not let another young girl or boy or anyone for that matter face the same fires that she had been scorched by. 

Since she graduated from both high school and college early, Rowan was the youngest in her crew. She was also the most underestimated trainee in her class. So she trained day and night. Every chance she got. She trained in first aid and self-defense and any area she deemed necessary to protect the people who could not protect themselves. 

Rowan also had her evening life that put her above the over trainees. 

And because of this, she graduated top of her class. She joined her team and she got to work. 

Rowan had everything set up. Her life and her alter ego's life was all secured. 

The Phoenix was making the glades safer. 

That is until Oliver Queen returned from the dead and along with him, a new vigilante was introduced. 

A/N: Basically a prologue/ extended summary! The next chapter will be in real time and the relationships between team arrow and Rowan will be explained later on in the series. All part of the mystery and what not

edited 7/18/18

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