The beginning

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Acting is a passion. I've studied it all my life. In the beginning it was me graduating from Warwick university that really made me feel like I accomplished something in my life. Then I trained at the actors studio in New York City.
My name is James Anderson, mostly know for my role in Holby City as doctor Oliver Valentine. I started acting there on the 19th May 2009, however, I wanted to explore acting into different aspects of my life therefore I choose to leave the cast of Holby in 2013. I was thrilled to rejoin the cast in 2014, The job here is great. Money is good. Directors, phenomenal and Cast some of the most incredible people I've ever met.

The date is 12th March 2015. I'm currently driving to the location of the Holby set in elstree studios, Hertfordshire. I've been told today is the day when we met Oliver valentines new love interest Zosia March. They both go on a continuous chase of love, both holding back from what they want. Each other.  I'm excited to meet the actress playing Zosia, I have know clue who it is. The directors wanted it to be a surprise. I pull up, check my hair and enter the building.
'Morning James.' David Ames waves at me.
'Morning' I enter the lift, I walk onto the set of Darwin ward. This is where my character Oliver Valentine, worked and fell in love with his wife Tara. Tara died in one of my last episodes I filmed, it was a very emotional episode to film. Especially for the character Ollie, he'd lost the thing he loved the most. Even me Myself can relate to such pain.
I walk out of the lift to be greeted by Paul Bradley who plays Elliot hope.
'Good morning James.' He smiles and head into what is Elliot's office.
'Morning Paul.' I call after him.
'Ah James, come with me.' One the makeup team collect me at the lift and take me to the director.
'James I would like you to meet..'
'Camilla?' I look at her, bewildered. Camilla can't be playing Zosia March can she?
'Hello James.' She smiles and shakes my hand.
Me and Camilla are already acquainted, in fact we shot a short film together called if it looks like love. Ironically, playing two loved up characters.
'Hello Camilla' I smile back.

My name is Camilla Arfwedson, actress, age 34. I joined the Holby city cast a few years ago, originally my character Zosia March struggled with her bipolar as she attempted to manage work on Keller ward as a young f2 junior doctor. It's my first day here on the set of Darwin ward and who do I see, James Anderson.
So yet again me and James will have to play a romantic duo, just like in if it looks like love. It doesn't bother me, me and James share a great friendship which makes me feel so comfortable around him.
'Hello Camilla' James smiles at me, with his bright blue eyes and pearl white teeth.

'Ok James, Camilla. Your first scene today is Zosia coming in late and Ollie is not impressed.' We both nod and head to our starting positions.

'Cameras rolling, episode title the  children of lovers...' He calls.
There is a split moment of silence before.
James enters talking to Paul. I wait for my queue line and rush in, grabbing the stethoscope as I enter I rush toward Paul and James.
'I'm so sorry I'm late I missed my alarm' I deliver my line. Zosia, worryingly studies the new doctor Oliver Valentine who instructs her to get test results. I feel as though my character already senses the tension between them. Zosia already thinks that Ollie is this attractive doctor.

James' POV
Me and Paul turn away from Camilla and head up the corridor.
'You have a lot to give, she has a lot to learn' Elliot is keen on the two new surgeons getting along and working together. However, Oliver has to seem somewhat unsure of Zosia and how she already turned up late on the first day. We finish the scene with Oliver watching Zosia fiddle through pages at the central desk.
'Cut' Camilla looks up and smiles at me. We walk towards each other and fist bump.
'Camilla can I borrow you' the director pulls Camilla of into one of the patients rooms to do her individual scene, I sit watching her. Wait, what is this I'm feeling. No. I'm just in ore of her acting, nothing more nothing less. I shake my head and walk to do my next scene.

The End of the day.
Camilla's POV
After finishing my last main scene with James, where Zosia messes up in surgery and nearly kills a patient. I get to go home, that's my day done.
It's only 3:45...
James walks towards me. I smile, whilst putting my jacket on.
'Coffee?' He smiles.
'Yes sure, got nothing better to do'
I suddenly get a weird feeling, I shake my head. What, I can't think things like that. James touches my arm.
'Camilla, come on' I snap out of it.
'Yes.' I grab my bag and follow James to the lift.
There is a small cafe near the set of Holby City, where I spend most of my time with David and rob (dom & Arthur) my two best friends on the show and in real life. Me and James enter the cafe.
'Cappuccino?' He smiles at me, as if he remembered. I nod. I sit down at a table near the corner of the room looking out at the main road. James brings over two drinks.
'So, how have you been? Didn't think I'd see you so soon.' He smiles.
'I've been great, how's things with you?' I smile.
'You know...I've been here and there' I laugh at his smirk, I missed this. Our friendship, I've missed it a lot.

James' POV
I look at Camilla sipping her drinking looking out the window, she's such a special friend to me. It's so good to see her again. I'm thrilled to work with her on a daily basis, I don't know what it is. We just bounce of each other.

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