Chapter 8: Rescue

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The afrit appeared in a small room, empty save for a pentagram drawn on the floor. He looked around, glaring at nothing in particular, while tapping his foot impatiently. 

The walls of the room were white. There was a door across from him. People were moving in the corridor beyond. Now when the fuck will my summoner show up?

As if to answer Aziz's question, the door flung open, revealing an older man with grayish stubble on his chin.

The Supervisor.

He walked in, seemingly perfectly at ease, glancing around the room until his gaze finally rested on the  afrit. "Aziz, so nice of you to join us tonight!"

Aziz scoffed. This man was a pain in the ass, and full of it, too. He knew very well that Aziz had better things to do on a night such as tonight. Nevertheless, the Supervisor still took it upon himself to summon him. That damn Supervisor was just trying to piss Aziz off.

Not wanting to let his irritation show, Aziz let his emotions slide off his face, leaving a blank, if not more terrifying, stare in their place.

"What do you want."

The Supervisor feigned innocence. "Why, I merely thought that this time would be a  good one to discuss some various thoughts and queries amongst us gentlemen-"

"Cut the bullshit." Aziz was starting to get legitimately pissed. Being summoned was bad enough, but being summoned by such a self-centered cur just made the whole event much, much worse. "If you wished to just talk, then why am I still in a binding pentagram?"

The Supervisor's face seemed to tighten, only minutely, but Aziz could read the motion loud and clear. It made Aziz smirk. 

The binding pentagram was made to protect the summoner from the summoned. Reasonably, too, because most  demons did not particularly enjoy being pulled around like puppets on strings. The binding pentagram could only be broken by the summoner, and if so, then it also broke all restraints on the demon.

Which meant that the much more powerful, angry demon could do whatever the fuck he pleased, and the summoner could only pray for mercy.

Yes, the Supervisor did not have nearly that much trust (if any) in Aziz. He and the Supervisor went far back, and it was an unpleasant history.

"Well, Aziz, we are feisty today, are we not?" The Supervisor smiled, having recovered and taken Aziz's previous comment in stride.

"You, maybe. Now spit it out already and we'll both be on our merry ways."

The Supervisor nodded, still smiling like the smuck he was. " I have a, ah, mission for you."

Aziz laughed, like legitimately threw back his head and laughed, at this comment. "What, you are asking a favor? How glorious, old man! Like I would help a human." He spit out the last word. "You must be desperate if you're calling on a demon to fix your shit."

"You know very well what is making us so... 'desprate'."

Yes, Aziz had. The Karzayk had been weakening. Really weakening. 

The old man interrupted Aziz's train of thought, continuing, "And it is not a favor. You'll be working, hired and duly compensated in return for your efforts."

Aziz crossed his arms, looking terse. "And what would I want? Your human currencies?" Aziz scoffed. The Supervisor was getting senile in his old age if he thought that a demon had any want or need for money.

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