Princess Anastasia

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Sorry for all the drama and heartache. What do you expect from two crazy maniacs? Just to inform you, we're nearing the end. :(

I'm so gonna miss Jarvis.

Chapter 8

Princess Anastasia

 I blew my nose on a roll of tissue as I cried. "He'll be okay, right?" I asked the nurse who nodded vigorously.

I held on Jarvis' hand, the one that wasn't covered in bandages which the rest of his body was covered in. Why is he doing this? Doesn't he know that people care for him?

Please be alright. Please wake up soon, so that I can finally stop worrying. So that I can tell you and show you that I love you. And that I'm scared, very scared.

It was silent for awhile until I heard the door slam close.

Clarianne strolled in in an anguish pace. Her eyes were full of worry and anger. "Jarvis, is he okay?"

I managed to do a weak nod. "The doctor said he'll be fine. He'll be waking up soon."

She closed her eyes and sighed then bent down and kissed his bandaged forehead affectionately. "I told you."


"I told you not to hurt him." I could tell she was trying to contain her anger, her anguish, and her worry. "What did you do this time?"

I remained silent and decided that it would be best if I didn't say anything.

"This is about Joseph isn't it, his little brother, who is now your fiance? What the hell, Anastasia? Are you waiting for Jarvis to fix this problem for you? Or are you waiting for something to miraculously happen? Wake up, Anastasia! Nobody can bloody fix this problem but you!"

I stood up defiantly. Why the hell is she raising her voice at me? She has no right. I'm Princess Anastasia, no one but my mother raised her voice at me.

"Why are you always blaming me, you bitch?! Has it ever occurred to you that Jarvis has a problem with his head and is mentally unstable. That he did this to himself because he's crazy and stupid!" 

Clarianne slapped my cheek hard. My head turned from the impact and shock coursed through my body as the pain surfaced.

"I know that he's a bit crazy and that he's unstable. But nobody dares say it, especially you, how dare you say his flaws, when he's fighting for his life right now? Why is it so hard for you to admit that you're the cause why he's doing this to himself? Why can't you accept the fact that Jarvis loves you and it hurts him so much to see you with someone else that he'd rather die?" Her voice cracked and tears flowed from her eyes and I felt myself crying as well. 

It was as if a train had hit me, and I finally realized the point Jarvis was telling me, not by words, but by his actions. He had always made a show rather than saying them.

"I'm sorry." I slumped my shoulders, defeated and sobbed loudly.

"I'm sorry too but you have to fix this Anastasia and I know you can." She looked at me with hopeful eyes and left.

I cried for a few more minutes until I got the courage to get up and go out of the door to finally do the right thing. Clarianne's right, I'm the only one who could fix this.

I knocked softly on Joseph's door. After he saw his room burnt down and his possessions incinerated, he just glanced blankly at me and left to rest in his new room, not interested of what just happened to his brother.

The door opened and Joseph stared back at me with empty eyes. He seemed to have known I was coming.

"Come in." He opened the door wider and I hesitantly accepted his offer.  

His room was like the others, only there were less furniture and things. But I knew he wouldn't be staying any longer. I hope.

"Coffee or tea?" He asked me and I shook my head immediately.

"I'm fine and this will just be quick."

"Why don't you sit down and be comfortable?" He offered but I shook my head again.

"We both know why I came here. I want to end our engagement. I do not like you or love you, Joseph. And I know you're doing this just to spite your brother who I'm in love with."

He laughed, his laugh so much like Jarvis, only more sarcastic.

"You do not love him, you just pity him because he burnt himself. You're too pretty to be with my crazy brother, just admit it." He stepped closer but I stepped back and glared at him.

"I will not be tricked again, Joseph. My decision is final. I will not marry you and there will be no engagement so you can fucking pack up your remaining things and go somewhere else where you're welcome," I said as strongly as I could.

"Don't say thing you don't mean. You're my bitch now. I was hoping my brother would die so--"

I took the glass of water on the table and threw it at him. 

"You're the one who's saying things that you don't mean. You love your brother in your own twisted way. You feel inferior and you miss him, you miss playing with him. So you decided to come here and do just that. You think you guys are the only psychotic people here? Ha! I'm a bitch, a daughter of the person who had been evil enough to hostage most of the princesses and princes of the world just so she could be the most powerful. Being her daughter and doing her orders, you think I won't be crazy?"

His eyes widened as I stepped closer.

"Listen here pretty boy, I'm Princess Anastasia and if anyone says psychotic bitch, that's me."

I pushed him and strutted off, feeling light and heavy at the same time. I was finally back to being myself and it felt good. Sometimes doing something bad makes you feel good. And right now I feel like being bad. Jarvis, you do this to me. I'll do anything for you. I'll be bad for you.

I dialed the phone of the head of the security. "Yes, princess?"

"Prepare a vehicle, I'm going out," I said impatiently.

"Where to, our majesty?" 

I rolled my eyes. "None of your business. Now, hurry up, if I don't see a vehicle outside by the time I'm ready, I'm going to have you fired."

I could feel him swallow. "Yes, your majesty. Your wish is my command."

I turned off my cellphone and sighed heavily. 

I guess it's time. 

It's time to meet Jarvis' parents.

DUN! DUN! DUN! You guys excited to meet them? ;) Don't worry, you will in the next chapter. xD

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