Prince Jarvis

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Sorry for not updating sooner. I got carried away with my new books. Please do try them out! They're called: Supernatural Academy (this one is more on humor and has a lot of spunk) and My Angel of Light (this one is more mature and hot-hot, it is also the sequel of My Devil Guardian)

Thank you guys so much!


Chapter 5

Prince Jarvis' POV

This can't be real. My brother who stabbed me is in the academy and he's the mysterious fiance of the girl I might actually like.


I laughed my head off upon meeting him. I was glad to see him well but the twists and everything else seemed so comical all of a sudden.

Gavier suddenly bolted forward, knowing my past. I stopped him with my arm and told him I'm more than alright.

"I see that you've acquired friends and still laughing like a crazy man. Still having fun brother?"

I licked my lips and smiled. "Of course Joseph."

"Why don't you go to my room later and let's talk." He smiled back but I could see that he has a surprise for me. I love surprises.

"Okay." I smirked as he left.

"Are you okay dude?"

"He seems like the small version of you, only more evil."

"His face looks like it wants to be punched."

I told my friends that I was fine and my brother meant no harm. Or does he?

We all went our separate ways; mine, to my brother's room which wasn't that far at all.

Smirking, I went inside and raised an eyebrow at how dark it was, almost as dark as a cave.

"Jarvis? Is that you?" As my eyes adjusted, I saw his lone figure sitting at the end of his chamber.

"Yep," I said chuckling. Why is it so dark? So funny. Is he a vampire? Vampires are cool.

"Having fun again, I see." He stood up, and I could feel him glaring up at me. "Why are you always having fun?"

"Because everything's funny." I told him as I laughed. He surely should understand how funny he looks, glaring at me like he wants to kill me.

"Not everything's funny Jarvis! Mom's gone ballistic and dad thinks I'm a monster."

"Why?" I couldn't understand him. I'm the monster in the house.

"I was depressed when you left and got mad at dad for making me stab you so I stabbed him. From then on he began beating me like he beat you."

I laughed so hard, I began to slap my knees. "He's so stupid, he doesn't know he's the real monster in the house."

I could feel him roll his eyes at my uncanny behaviour. "Mom tries to stop him everytime I took a beating but it doesn't work. I burned all his paperworks and he went crazy mad and decided to put me here with you."

"I see." I went to sit down on the couch. "What you did wasn't good Joseph. You can't just stab people, it can kill them."

"Since when do you care about killing people. People die all the time!" Joseph tried to prove his point but I shook my head remembering my queen.

"Since I met my friends. You don't want to be responsible for their deaths do you? Prisons are nasty, they give you oatmeal every morning." I leaned back on the chair to relax.

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