Prince Jarvis

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Did you guys see that hottie up there? yummm! That's David Franco. Too bad, he would have been a good Jarvis, except he's like 30 now. You guys know anybody who would suit being Prince Jarvis? Do tell!

Except Wade Poezin, he's already Gavier. ;)


Chapter 2

Prince Jarvis' POV

5 years later. . . 

 It was finally time for my favorite time of year. The challenges. The contests. The thrill. 

"Jarvis, no wonder no one wants to go near you. You should try to tone down that smile of yours." Gavier, my King shuffled my hair as he chuckled.

I smiled wider at him. Gavier was always very nice to me ever since we met. At the first week of my stay here, I was being bullied because of my creepy smile, but as usual I laugh it off. Gavier saw me being beaten up and he suspended them immediately. He helped me up and from then on we've been really good friends. I never had a friend and it felt good. Gavier is therefore my king, and only king. And those bullies can go to hell.

"Good luck you fucker, you better win this challenge, you've been going for ages."

"Aye, aye." I laughed and he shook his head, smirking as he left.

In the long run I told Gavier what happened to me and he listened carefully. He punched a wall after he heard my story and said he was angry at my parents and he'd make sure they don't set a foot here in the academy. He even gave me a high-five when I told him I lit the castle on fire. Gavier is really cool.

I rode on the airplane without putting the seat belt on. It was a bummer there was no casualty but who cares? I'll fucking make one when we arrive.

I was first to set on foot inside the forest. I set traps everywhere but not as big as I did in the cave. There were three girls who were hiding behind a rock, watching me, which made me laugh out loud. They were very bad at hiding, one almost screamed.

Well I have a surprise for ya bitches.

I saw my work burst like fireworks. I laughed the whole time because it was so funny. I should have taken a video, but I hate cameras. They're annoying, but it's fun to shatter them into pieces.

I was 5th to arrive in the arena. Prince Levi was the only person I knew there and we nodded at each other. Prince Levi was a smart ass, he taught me chemistry and I had a lot of fun with him when we built explosive bombs. Prince Levi is awesome.

"Jarvis, I discovered a new bomb. Want to hang out later, after this boring challenge?" He asked me excitedly, tipping his eyeglasses coolly.

"Hell yeah!" I laughed out loud, earning lots of whispers and stares from the servants and other contestants. I smirked at all of them and they either gave me a frightened or disgusted looks. It's so fucking funny.

Later on, as more of the students came in, I saw the three girls, all dirty and all come in. Cool, they survived, but of course they will, the fucking funny ninjas saved them. The one with the brunette hair recognized me and glared at me. 

A moment later, she walked and stopped in front of me, glaring at me the whole time. I smirked back, licking my lips as I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh you're still alive?" I asked, chuckling.

She suddenly bolted forward and clutched on my collar, glaring in my eyes. "I don't care who the fuck you are or what you want but if you ever put my friends in danger again, I'll be your worst nightmare," she threatened then let go, pushing me back harshly. She's so angry, it's hilarious.

"I can't wait for that nightmare." I laughed because it her face looked so serious, it was so damn funny. And honestly, I can't wait what kind of nightmare she'll give me. It's going to be so awesome, not being able to sleep.

"Interesting, Clarissa Marie Valdez," Prince Levi suddenly spoke up as he looked at his computer screen, "Daughter of what was once a con artist, the famous Richard Jackson Valdez who owns the Valdez company in Manhattan."

Well that sounds interesting. I fucking love con artists. I befriended one.

She crossed my arms. "Thank you for announcing it out loud," she said with sarcasm.

Levi smirked. "Your welcome. I think the girls would be thankful to hear that they should be wary of you."

All the girls suddenly looked at her as if she was a threat. Hahaha! Now they're going to watch her every move. She's going to have so much fun. I laughed harder and she looked back at me, looking more annoyed than ever. Nobody ever looked at me that way.

"Okay, are you done?"

"Maybe, maybe not, it depends," I replied in a sing-song manner and began laughing again.

"Ugh, you're crazy." She rolled her eyes and turned around. 

Her friends looked worriedly at her and asked her useless questions. They were about to sit down when my King entered, owning the scene.

 King Gavier strode from the entrance, his piercing eyes looking around for someone. It stopped on the girl and I smirked. So who the hell is she to make my King look at her like that?

"Clarissa." King sighed as he walked towards her. The people who were on his way, cleared a path for him as usual. He's a king after all.

"What?" She asked, sounding annoyed.

"Thank god, you're okay." He suddenly pulled her in his arms making me frown. Oh no, is she the girl he was always talking about---

Oh no, I made a fucking mistake. Stupid Jarvis.

They had small talk then Gavier suddenly began kissing her neck.

"What the hell is this?!" He glowered looking at her arm as he lifted it up, "How did you get this? Who did this?" The King is mad, and I caused it. Time for my funeral. I hope I meet zombies there.

The girl looked at me from the corner of her eye as I looked away frowning, thinking of ways to atone my offense. 100 lashes would be fine, I think. I would love to be electrocuted too. 

 "I just fell on my own," I heard her lie, making me look at her,  "It's just a little scratch so stop being like my father." 

Did she just lie for me?

Her friends gasped and they looked back at one another in understanding. My smirk is back and I thanked her with my eyes. 

From then on I decided she would be my queen.

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