Princess Anastasia

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Time for a girl's POV. I need a break from guys' minds especially Jarvis' crazy one.

Chapter 3

Princess Anastasia's POV

I remembered the time when the building I was in was collapsing, the ceiling was crumbling into pieces as the room reverberated with booming sound and screams. I thought I was going to die. But my saviour appeared out of nowhere, like a prince charming on a white horse, taking my hand and saving me.

From then on, I developed a crush on him. At that critical moment, when my hopes were lost, and when none of my friends or relatives even bothered where I was, he was there; he helped me despite of my reputation. He is my hero.

Right now, I was being locked in my room. 4 bodyguards were outside, lurking, and making sure I would never step a foot outside of my fucking chamber. Why don't they just call me Rapunzel?

My mother was evil. I don't think I even know her anymore. Ever since dad died, she became even more passionate to conquer the world. She was posessed by power and greed. Nobody can stop her, not even I.

Clarianne would surely hate me now and so would the rest. I'm the daughter of the witch, thus making me the same. I'm so ashamed of myself. I should just die.

I could hear hollers and cries outside. Somebody was speaking through the mike but I couldn't hear the announcement. I looked through my window and gasped.

Everyone was fighting back. They were boldly kicking and punching the bodyguards, not caring of the consequences. My mother would be delirious if she sees this.

I smirked, already devising a plan to make my way out of the room. But it was too late. Smoke engulfed my room, seeping into my nostrils, making me unable to breathe. I choked and banged on my door for them to let me out, but it was no use. They must have gone already and had left me here to die.

I tried to break through the windows but it was too hard and too small for me to fit through.

"Help!!" I cried out. I don't want to die yet. Please don't let this be my atonement. I still have many things I want to do. I still have many dreams to achieve. I still have so many people to apologize to.

"Help! Please someone save me!" I choked out, tears springing out of my eyes due to the smoke and pain.

I fell on the ground, as I covered my nose and mouth. It's no use. No one will come and save me.  No one would care if I die. . .

The door suddenly barged open and in came my prince. Finally.

"Princess," he said and lifted me up.

"Prince Jarvis." I closed my eyes and cuddled in his chest as his strong arms carried me out of the room.

"Princess, princess, are you okay?" I felt myself being shaken up.

"Yeah," I said dryly and opened my eyes to see Jarvis face very close to mine.

I felt myself heat up and my heart beat rapidly. He'd never been that close to me before.

"Good." He smiled, showing me his canines which were a bit too long. He's so handsome.

I just stared at him, somewhat in a trance.  "W-why did you save m-me?"

He looked up for a moment as he smirked. "Gavier is my King. Clarianne is my Queen. You. . . are my princess." He smiled genuinely and my heart melted. He left soon afterwards, making me curse to myself, of not having to thank him yet.

He brought me to the infirmary which was very convenient. I tried standing up but failed; my body was too weak. A moment later, I dozed off, dreaming about my prince charming who just told me I was his princess. It was the best dream I ever had.


I'm in trouble.

Jarvis was shirtless, twirling his shirt over his head.

"Isn't Jarvis so hooot?" Jaquelyn sighed beside me.

"Yep, and remember he's mine bitch," I said meanly. Old habits are hard to die.

"Okay bitch, no need to be so possessive." She raised her hands up in surrender. "Aren't you going to thank him yet?"

"I will, okay. So stop pestering me." I flipped my hair back and crossed my legs.

"Oh, look! He's looking over here!"

I glanced at where Jarvis was and it was true. He was looking at me, smirking like a devil. Then the jerk winked, making me almost faint. I decided then that it was time. This boy might kill me before I manage to thank him.

I stood up and went to him. He did as well, but not towards me. Damn it, is he going to the pilot room? I almost sprinted forward to catch up to him. I tapped his shoulder and before I know it, those sparkly eyes were staring back at me. Once again, I was tongue-tied.

"Thank y-you for s-saving me," I said like a freaking mouse. I so hate myself!!!

"If you're going to thank me, you should do it with style."

Then he kissed me. I have been kissed many times before but nothing like this. It was sensational, animalistic, intense, passionate, and slightly painful.

He kept biting my lips with his sharp teeth, his tongue devouring mine, and his lips never left mine until I was about to pass out.

He licked my lips one last time before he left for the pilot room.

I couldn't move for awhile, and the whistles and hoots didn't faze me from my thoughts of what just happened. Jarvis just fucking kissed me!!!

When my moment was finally over, I turned around, glaring at the spectators and flipped them the bird. Besides, they should be reminded that I was still Princess Anastasia, the mean girl.

Thoughts? Please tell me what you think guys!! I hope you liked this chapter, even though some of you guys might not like her. Thank you for everything!

Love ya guys!! :)

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