Eric & Ria | Episode 4

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I groan out heavily as I wake up from the blinding light flickering on my eyelids. As I sit up slowly, my limbs ache and a throbbing headache becomes more realized. My throat is parched and my dry lips are cracking painfully.

Am I dead?

It appears that I had survived the shipwreck, I happen to conclude as palm trees come to view and a white sandy beach. But where is everybody?

And what I mean of everybody doesn't include Gretta who now stand stars-trucked and drops the coconut she is holding.

"You're finally awake!" She cries as her eyes well up with tears. She wraps me in her arms and I stay paralyzed not knowing what to do. I hate being touched and being touched by someone I hate is all the more detesting. I push off after a few seconds and scramble shakily on my feet. This is not what I have in mind when I'm forced on a cruise by my friends who want me to close a chapter I have burned in my memory.

"I-I'm sorry." Gretta stands up awkwardly, picking up the coconut. "I really am."

What is she apologizing about? It's too late for that.

I shake my head and shut my abhorrent feelings. "Where's everybody else?"

"I don't know. I've wandered around for an hour but you're the only person I've seen."

Her sheer luck! Unbelievable.

"They must be in the forest then," I say as my eyes wander at the jungle before me.

"I'm scared to go alone so I waited for you to wake up."

If you get yourself entangled in the jungle, I'll never lift a finger to save you.

"H-here," Gretta says, with a coconut shell that's filled with coconut water. "It took me a while to open it but I'm sure you need it."

I swallow upon seeing the liquid in front of me. I nod grimly before sipping on the coconut water and feel it replenish my body and mind. "Thanks."

Gretta smiles and I am reminded of the time when we were friends or when I thought we were. Gretta used to follow me wherever I go and we've become close, so close I thought of her as my own sister. That's why it hurts even more when I found out it was her lying in the bed sheets with my ex-fiance.

"Let's go, I'm sure they found a place to stay in the jungle." I step ahead of her towards the jungle.

Gretta suddenly hold my wrist. "Wait, I need to tell you something now that we're alone. I've been wanting to tell you this without Harold."

I don't need to turn around to know that Gretta is crying. Crocodile tears for sure.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about everything, Ria. And I-I miss you. I miss you so much."

I miss you too but you're breaking my heart. You have done it before.

"We don't have time for this. I don't want to talk about my past." I pull away my wrist and walk ahead, leaving Gretta behind. I don't look back, not even once because my eyes have welled up in tears. I don't want Gretta to know that I've been waiting for that apology for years and years but now that I've gotten it, it doesn't feel enough.

I shake my head and bite my lip to stay focused. They're in an island with no way to contact the others. The royals must be in a panic the second they find out a bunch of them went missing because of a shipwreck. In a cruise--a cruise that Gretta hosted.

"Is this part of your plan to kill me?" I ask. "If it is, don't include my friends in your sick plan to get rid of me."

"W-what?" Gretta looks flabbergasted. "I don't want any more of this than you do."

"Oh really? And how am I supposed to believe you? You were the one who invited us in your yatch. Because of your and your fiance's influence the others agreed thinking it would be safe but look where we are. A fucking untouched island!" I feel myself get heated up, perhaps it's because I am starving and really hot. Even though I'm only wearing a shirt and underwear, it feels too hot.

"You're crazy, I'm not that stupid, Ria. If anything ever happens to you guys, it's my head the countries will be after."

I inhale deeply to calm my nerves and exhale. Gretta just irritates the heck out of me. Forget about the past, she's still as infuriating as ever. If only I'd declined to get on the cruise and influenced the others not to as well, then this wouldn't have happened.

"I know it's my fault. It's probably my karma," Gretta speaks up as she follows me into the jungle.

"You can say that again," I mutter under her breath.

"I'm just glad I'm not alone," she continues softly.

I suddenly feel a little guilty for lashing out at her but she deserves it. All that's coming to her, she deserves it all. Which is why when Gretta gets entangled by vines and starts sinking into the mud I just stare at her without any expression like I usually do.

"Ria!" She cries out in panic. "I'm stuck! Help me! Please!" Her eyes are wide with fear and her arms flail like tendrils.

She should leave her to her fate.

"Please! Ria!!" Gretta is about halfway there. "I didn't do it on purpose! I promise!"

What the hell is she talking about? If this is about the past again, I swear...

"Fuck it." I take a long stick and pass it to her. "Hold onto it, I'll pull you."

I make sure she's supported by the hard ground as I pull as hard as I might. Gretta is not exactly fat but she's still heavy. When Gretta is finally able to crawl the rest of herself out, she pulls me into another tight embrace. "You saved me," she sighs with tears in her eyes. "You really saved me."

I want to shake her away but I have no energy left. The rest of our journey consists of nothing but eating fruits and dipping into the clear river beside a cave.

"Do you know how to start a fire?"

"No," Gretta says. She's gone silent most of the trip, probably still in shock of the events that had happened. At least it's quiet now. "I found these though," she says and drags some big banana leaves. "Maybe we can use them as a bed or something."

"Alright, it's still pretty hot anyway, we can use it on the floor". We lay out the leaves in silence. The cave is pretty narrow and shallow enough to see that there are no other living creatures inside. I'm not sure if it will stay that way through the night but it's enough to keep ourselves safe and hidden against nocturnal predators.

I lie down first then Gretta follows, putting her back against mine. I am too tired to protest so I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep.

"Ria, do you think you'll be able to forgive me one day?"

My eyes blink open before I close them again. "No."

Never. Until the day I die.


A/N: Thank you for being patient with me! Will try to upload again in a couple of days. Please give this chapter some love! <3

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