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its been almost four weeks of knowing calum, and almost three weeks of calling him mine. i feel like we got into a relationship really fast, but i could care less. i think i love him. i blush at the thought.

"hey babe, im gonna leave early again, im sorry" calum frowns and kisses my cheek.

"its ok" i smile, reassuring him. i dont like seeing him frowning.

"i'll be going, love you" he winks and walks out of the living room.

lately calum has been leaving earlier than usual. i dont know why, but i dont wnat to bring it up.

hes probably seeing another guy, or even a girl.

if he is, im gonna be heart broken. and ive used up all my safety pins to put them back together.

i'll be broken again.

at the end of the day,

we're broken people.

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