
194 13 7

really late update sorry, but on my message board it should explain a little bit


the doorbell rang.

i go up to the door and open it. its calum. his fluffy bed hair, and teary brown eyes.

"were you crying or something?" i ask

i dont want to see him cry.

"no, i just woke up" he chuckles and rubs his eyes with the palm of his hands.

"so.. whats up?" i ask

"oh, i just heard you going out at like 12, the curiosity got the best of me and i just wanted to know where you were" he said a little quicker than usual.

i probably woke him up, im such an idiot.

"i was.. at.. i was at a farm that lets just say, hasn't been in business in a long time" i gesture him to come in. he walks in and i close the door behind him.

"so like, an abandoned farm?" he concludes, still questioning it

i probably freaked him out. thats such a typical answer i get from people.

"i.. er.. um.. basically, but i dont like putting it that way, it just sounds creepy that way" i stutter

"dont the other neighbors notice?" his eyebrows furrow

"theyve gotten used to my weird sleeping schedule" i shrug

"next time you go, can i come?" he asks, his brown chocolaty eyes spark with excitement

"thatd be ideal" i smile. he smiled back at me.

i love his smile.

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