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"so when can we go to the farm place" calum asks, rolling around on the couch like a puppy

"at night, when the stars come out" i say

"youre probably going to be asleep" i chuckle

"you can wake me up, once im awake, i cant go back to sleep, until the next hour or so" he reassures me

"ok then, i look forward to tonight" i smile


"cal, wake up" i nudged him. he fell asleep on the couch, he said to wake him up whenever.

i nudged him a little more and his eyes soon opened slowly

"lets go" i smile

"okay then, lets go" he gave me a small smile

he got up from the couch and stretched a little, and yawned a little.

he has a cute yawn.

not like me. im not cute in anyway possible.

"just saying, somebody stole my car radio, so theres no music" i warn him, walking to the front door.

"i wonder what kind of person would do such a thing" he chuckles, following me to the door.

"right?" i chuckle with him

the new wattpad format is fucking me up + im gonna update a little more often, kinda

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