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we laid there for a an hour or so, talking about some stuff, learning new things about each other. ive learned that his last name is hood and his middle name is thomas, he plays bass guitar and a regular guitar. he bleached his hair once. he moved here because he needed a break from australia, almost like me. he likes the bands i do, he eats hawaiian pizza, and that he has tattoos, that i was oblivious to see. i didnt want to tell him that i had anxiety, insomnia, depression, the i gave him a half true, half false reason for why i left australia, stuff like that. or else he might leave me, like everyone else did.

calums pov:

we laid there for at least an hour, it was great to see the stars in the sky, and know more about michael too. hes such an interesting guy once you actually know him, and i dont know why ive fallen so quickly for him. i now know that, his middle name is gordon, his last name is clifford, he plays guitar and a little bit of the drums, he dyes his hair a lot. he likes the bands i do, and he likes pizza, in general.

he moved here from australia to escape from his home and forget about things that happened there, ive noticed he had a tattoo, and his tattoo is a final fantasy symbol for 'home', i guess to remind him about home. he says he got his tattoo a year after he moved here. but why does he have a tattoo to remind him about home, when he doesnt want to remember or go home? things dont really match up.

im so sorry for the latest update ever but theres a lot of drama on instagram, which i part take in. i dont think i'll be updating for a while :-((

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