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i laid in bed, trying to sleep. should i just go to the abandoned farm? like i always do? i got up from bed and went to my closet, i changed into my skinny jeans and a green day shirt.

i get out of my house, locking the front door, and into my car. and now i just sit in silence.

i started the car and left the street.

im so lonely. i drive to the middle of nowhere and lay there for hours until i decide its time to go back home. thats lonely.

"here we go again" i sigh and mentally roll my eyes

without the distraction of music, im here, silent, and thoughts running through my mind.

"i liked it better when my car had sound" i sigh

im talking to myself, im a idiot.

i drove to the farm that has been out of business for a long time. i like saying that instead of 'abandoned farm'. 'abandoned farm' just sounds creepy.

well it is creepy, i just lay there.

but its the best place to watch stars.

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