Chapter 7: And So Then I...

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Ray and Geoff shared a few moments of small talk before the booming voices of 3 men came rumbling through the room. The first to enter was a short redhead, "...and so when I said that she was like 'Get out!' and so then I-" He stopped short when he noticed Ray standing in the center of the room. He did a once over and Ray thought he saw a small wave of realization come over him, "Oh, hi, I'm Michael, you must be Ray." He extended his hand out for Ray to take, and when he did Michael grinned and introduced him to everyone. "So, Ray, this is Jack, Ryan, and you obviously already know Geoff." The Puerto Rican let out a weak chuckle, and nodded, giving a cue for the red-head to continue,  "Thank God you aren't a figment of Gavin's imagination. He talks about you so much I was getting worried we'd never see you." Gavin threw up his arms in resignation, and plopped down in his desk. Ray let out a snort at this, " It seems like he never shuts up about me, does everyone already know who I am?"  

 Michael seemed to decide that now was the time to tease Gavin some more, "Dude he never fucking quits! It's always like:" He took a minute to get his "Gavin Voice" on, "Oi! Ray would loik this! Ray would be bloody top at this! Micoo'  come on! I swear Ray is reauhl!" Ray started to laugh hysterically, "D- Does he really fucking talk like that?" 
"Oh yeah man all the fucking time!" 
"Dude Gavin I'm flattered!" Ray rushed to his sandy hair friend and ruffled his hair playfully.  Gavin looked up, a new shade of scarlet that Ray could only account to him being embarrassed. "C'mon man, don't we have something to do? You know, like fucking working?" Although, on the inside he was beaming and he got this weird twisting feeling under his ribs. He couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from lifting and he kept wanting to look at Gavin forever. He just felt happy. Just so amazingly happy. He could lift off the ground and let himself just float around in this happiness forever. If this what a crush was like, Ray loved it. 

Geoff took this moment to speak up, "Yeah, new guy is right, we should get to work." The others all nodded and sat down, Ray was momentarily confused before Geoff just sat him next to Gavin with a controller in his hand, "Gav and you will do split-screen." . It was about five minutes before Gavin spoke up, "So we're filming MineCraft right?"
"No shit, Gav. It says it right on the board."
"Oh, yeah."
"Alright guys! We have to brief Ray."
"Yeah! Okay so, we uh, play games, and we record ourselves talking and reacting to said game. Also, be ready to sort of improv if nothing is going on."
"So we're recording in 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... okay!"

Ryan spoke up first, Ray hadn't heard him speak until right then and was surprised by exactly how deep his voice was. "We're here playing Minecraft... Geoff, what are we doing today?"
"Well, we have a new Achievement Hunter joining us... Ray? Introduce yourself?"
"Oh, aight. Sup fuckers, I'm Ray, and I'm the Puerto Rican wonder."
"Beautiful intro by Ray, we'll have to make you a house and a present, how about cake?" 
"Yes to the house, no to the cake."
"Alright then, you'll have your house" Geoff glanced at Gavin, who was already forming a mischievous smirk on his face, and winked. "MK Boys! We're doing a game that Gav and I made, it's name is.... WipeOut!" Ray smiled, and took this chance to yell "LLLLLLLLETS PLAY!"

The six men had fun playing through the game, Ray blatantly ignoring the cake at the end every time ("I am going cakeless!") Laughing and talking, they all enjoyed the game very, very much. That is, until Gavin and Rays cellphones both started alarming and they had to check out, fast. Running down the hall, and out the door, leaving everyone with a "Our apartment is flooding!" They ran to the nearest empty public bathroom, "Did you bring the bag Ray?" 
"One step ahead of you" Ray threw Gavin's suit at him and immediately started getting into his X-Ray suit. "So, what is it?" 
"Robbers at the bank, nothin' major."

The superheroes ran out of the room and in the direction of the bank, which thankfully wasn't far at all. In fact, it really only took them about 5 minutes to get there. Ray spotted the burglars, and motioned for Gavin to slow them. "On it, mate." Gavin pressed his fingers to his temple and concentrated, trying to unlock that part of his mind that let him use his powers. Thankfully, it worked. The three men they could see were seemingly caught in slow-mo. Assuming they were the only ones, Ray rushed forward to subdue them. Immediately he noticed more men inside and realized his mistake. One began to approach him, and raised his gun, right into his face. "X-Ray, I've been waiting to get you in a position like this. Once you're dead, I'll be a God among men." Ray started to search for ways out, but more men came out of the building and pointed their guns right at him. His chest heaving, Ray shut his eyes as the man started to laugh. CRACK. Involuntarily, his eyes shot open, and he realized the scene he was seeing unfold. There were masked fighters everywhere. Flora's pods shot in front of his eyes towards their mark. A distinct flame whipped through the air, sending shouts carrying in the wind. Sprays of perfume sent grown men down, and Ray swore he saw a strike of lightning hit a robber square in the chest. Ray suddenly realized that he should be fighting too. He charged and cracked a guy straight in the jaw. A hookshot flew past him and wrapped around an unsuspecting villain. Ray recognized Hydro's laugh as he let loose, throwing punches and dodging shots. "Sup, X-Ray!" 
"Vav! This is crazy!" 
"I know right?"

Gavin barked a laugh and ran off to help subdue more of the robbers. About an hour went by before everyone was taken care of. It was way too many people for a job to rob the bank... and Ray couldn't forget the look in the man's eyes as he stared him down with a gun pointed at his face...

A/N: Hey! Some actual fighting! Fantastic. Alright, but fr I totally based the crush thing on me when I have a crush lmao alright okay bye xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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