Chapter 2: Just another boring saturday (I hope)

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The Puerto Rican was sitting out in the kitchen, pants on this time, waiting for Gavin to wake up.
Jeez, he thought, I can't believe its finally saturday.. Finally I just get to stay home with Gavin for once.. Maybe we'll watch a movie? I hope, he's always so cute when he's interested in it... Wait WHAT. WHAT DID I JUST THINK. WHAT DID I JUST-
He was beginning to blush when he heard Gavin say, "Ray, you donut, you look like you just saw a spider the size of a plate."
Quickly he shook his head and blustered out the words "Uh- uhh I was just thinking about.. Uh... If we missed anyone last night at the zoo?"
His voice cracked at the last part and his face turned even redder.
Gavin looked suspicious but decided that it was probably just nerves. "Man that's just a load of garbage okay? Don't worry about it. We can't have, I mean look at us!" He tried to strike a pose but fell over halfway through.
"Erm, very comforting Vav."
"Okay then? How about we watch a movie yea?"
"Yeah okay! But just help me get up first!!"
Reaching his hand out to him, Ray helped him up. His heart skipping a little when he grabbed his hand.
"So what movie?"
"I don't know... How about a comedy yea?"

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