Chapter 1: Get up you idiot! The world needs saving!

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Ray blinked as the light from his open window flooded the room, he had fallen asleep late last night after stopping the Achievement City petting zoo from being raided for its rare pink sheep. He yawned and stretched his arms. I better go wake up Gavin too, he'll be pissed he missed the news about our accomplishment.

The 24 year old rolled onto his feet and stood up; he saw his reflection and had to stifle a laugh. He was still in his X-Ray outfit! Thankfully the only other people in his apartment building are old people who fall asleep at six. He quickly changed into a pair of boxers and a tee shirt, subconsciously hoping that maybe Gavin would be flustered by his outfit and blush a little. He shuffled over to the room across the hall and knocked on the door. "Gaviiiiiin" he murmured as he cracked it open and walked in "Gavvvyyyy" The british man turned in his sleep, "Wake up!"

None of his attempts were working, so he took the offensive and decided to jump on him. "GAVIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!"

Gavin groaned as he shifted into a sitting position. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and did a once over of his best friend. As Ray had hoped, when his gaze dropped his face turned bright red. "You're not wearing pants you donut!"
"I know, you gotta problem?" Ray said as he wiggled his eyebrows at him

The brit threw his pillow at the man running out of his room, and it his the door as it slammed shut.

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