Chapter 4

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I was greeted with the sound of the birds soft lullaby, the fresh air around me containing the smell of trees ...and well poo. That's what actually woke me up. Hmm.... well that was something. I tried getting up but found a heavy weight on my leg. I looked at the beautiful sleeping Beauty on my lap. I can't handle seeing her like this; I couldn't  stop the upcoming sigh.

I moved her head to my makeshift pillow which contained a bunch of clothes bundled up together. I tried getting up again. Keyword: tried.

You know that feeling when your leg isnt cooperating with u and it's too heavy to move...basically yeah. However, when I finally did move every step I took towards the door was painful more painful than the previous. One explanation: damn pins and needles.

When I did finally reach the door hehe, I sat on the floor and dialed Mariah's' number.

Ring. .ri

"Hello?" Oh, same old Mariah.

"I was wondering...," I started saying until she cut me off.

"Don't start with that Adel :) "

"Haha ok ok, so how are you?"

"Cut the chase mate!"

"What? Can't I call you to check up on you ?"


"Pfft...your right," I said defeated.

"Mhm I know, so what's up?" she said with a happy chipper voice.

"So where are you now?"

"Home? Why aren't you at school? "

"I need you to do me a favor."

"Okay," she replied getting all serious.

"Can you me one way 2 plane tickets to Lebanon from the money I have?"


"Please," I said desperately.

"I'll get an explanation, " she said and ended the call.

So here is my plan. I will go to Lebanon and beg my family over there to keep me with them until I get enough money to pay them back and I'm 18. I know stupid plan but I don't kmow if I have another choice.

Oh! Right! I haven't told you about my oh so said, family.


So you know dearest father is from Lebanon. His father wanted him to get married to nice women and he was about to until he got my mum pregnant so she ran away from the altar, the same day he discovered that I was ...well in the world.

Okay, a side note, let's take a breath and think of what he did. It was pretty amazing that he ran away to stay with mum because she was pregnant with me; her child. Until, well he tried convincing her that to you know kill me. Abortion.

But here are the cool things, dearest mother fought with father to keep me. That didn't help the fact at that time she was on the highway of getting (pay attention to the tense) getting addicted to drugs.

See my father wanted the abortion because his family was filthy rich. If they discovered out that he had sex and a child too (which by the way a big cultural no no) he would be disowned with nothing and that's what happened.

Mother didn't want the abortion because she wanted to be part of THAT family because of the money. She was going to kill me until she discovered he was rich and she told him and blah blah blah.

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