Chapter 41: *Winks*

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Chapter 41:


By the time we set forth, the day is darkening in all due speed. But with my head on tight and clear mind present, I recognize the incredible occurrence above my head. It cannot be past noon on this day, and yet, the sky appears darker with each passing moment. And though plenty of strange events have occurred on this journey, this has to be the most obvious. Who knew Sauron could control the setting of day and night?

This is all that I think about as I mount Casper and ride out from Minas Tirith's gates, Boromir's arms wrapped around my waist. To my side, Frerin and Ruelin ride in close contact with Legolas and Gimli next to them. Aragorn leads our 5oo infantrymen upon his horse, adorned in the proper Gondorian armor. It closely resembles that of Boromir's, now pressed to my back, but with a more noble air to it. After all, he is the rising king of these lands.

My parents ride near Aragorn and Gandalf, conversing in low tones across the small distances between the horses. The remainder of our Phoenician forces are intermittently spread through the ranks, taking comfort in their closest friends. We all fear the danger of this situation, knowing that even our immortal beings may face death on this day. Sauron is far more powerful than any of us, but together, we have a chance.

The reminder of the safety risk sends me deeper into Boromir's chest, his arms wrapping tighter around me. Turning slightly, I meet his eyes in a worried look for one another, knowing that this may be our last minutes together. And thus, I smile, knowing I'd far rather leave this world happy than depressed. It is this notion that has me and Boromir riding together, despite suspicions of our relationship. I cannot imagine riding alone to my possible death, especially when my One is feet away. We deserve these last moments together.

I nudge Casper into a trot, gesturing for Legolas and Frerin to follow after me as I lead our group towards the front of the lines. Having become better at controlling horses, I nimbly move Casper through the ranks until I reach my parents' side. My father speaks to Aragorn about our plan for the battle, whereas my mother turns to look at me from her spot in front of my father. She looks between Boromir and myself, her facial expression not giving her obvious suspicions away. Rather, she looks to the skin of the man, knowing of his new form.

"How did it happen?" my mother asks the both of us, knowing from our current sitting that I must have saved him. After all, there is a deep relationship between the saved and savior. My mother saved my father. Fili was in love with my deceased aunt who saved him. And Kili saw a brother in my savior of a dead uncle. With gratefulness comes love.

"The Uruk Hai embedded three arrows in my chest," Boromir simply remarks in a polite fashion. From the way his arm is tensed around my subject, I know Boromir is nervous to converse with my mother and the Queen of Erebor and Phoenicians. However, my mother might just be the most accepting of people: he has nothing to worry about.

"...while he was protecting Merry and Pippin. I only made it to him as he died, seeing as I had complications of my own," I remark, hinting at our connection. My mother knows better than anyone, maybe besides myself, that Phoenicians die with their loved One.

"I am very thankful for the actions of your daughter, more than I can even explain," Boromir remarks, his arm wrapping ever tighter around my waist in small embrace. I know he speaks of the flowering of our relationship afterwards. It is only because I saved him, and therefore myself, that we fell in love.

"I think I understand," my mother remarks, sending us a wink that I cannot help at laughing at. Boromir, not knowing of my mother's previous knowledge of our relationship tenses behind me, prompting me to turn around and smile at him. He relaxes again at this, leaving a small kiss on the crown of my head and causing a smile to erupt on both my mother's visage and my own face.

Of Dwarves and Men {Boromir/LOTR}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora