Chapter 27: I've fallen and I can't get up

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Chapter 27:

I've fallen and I can't get up

Removed from the shadows once more, Boromir and I pace the room in continued conversations with soldiers, leaders, and Fellowship members. Currently, Legolas, Ruelin, and Gimli are partaking in a drinking contest that Gimli is convinced he will win. Upon hearing this, I scoff loudly, seeing as elves (even half) have a remarkable ability to drink large amounts of alcohol with little effect on their mental state. And thus, the trio is on their fifteenth glass, Gimli practically tipping while Ruelin and Legolas chat calmly. Oh, how I adore this family of mine.

Looking towards the head of the room, it would take a near blind human to not see the antics of the two hobbits and my brother. Moments ago, they were merely tipsy, but now they are full on drunk. It is probably at fault of the large glasses of ale within their hands, almost half full at this moment. But this drunkenness is little fact in comparison to the loud and rough song they sing:

Oh, you can search - up and down

As many lands as can be found

But you'll never find a beer so brown

As the one we drink in our home town

You can keep your fancy ales

You can drink them by the flagon

But the only brew, for the brave and true,

Comes from the Green Dragon!

The three rambunctious, overgrown children laugh at the cessation of the song, attempting to give each other pats on the back, but missing and hitting each others heads instead. I cannot help in laughing loudly at the scene, though no one notices over the loud atmosphere of the Golden Hall. A bright smile covers my face, cheek-to-cheek, and only growing as Ruelin comes to stand at my side. She takes a look at my intoxicated brother, rolling her eyes and yet smiling all the same.

"Your brother is such a dork, Sidel," Ruelin remarks, pointing at the overgrown dwarfling who is now doing handstands on the high topped table. I smile lovingly at my brother, feeling a deep protective instinct within my heart. Frerin may be older and smarter than me, but he will always have the heart of a child. In this way, he is practically my younger brother.

"But a happy one...let him have this night of celebration. He may not show it, but this journey's been hard on him. He misses Erebor, family...and Bren," I remark, looking back upon the few moments where I caught Frerin frowning. On most occasions, this dwarf is a ball of sunshine and smiles. However, one cannot help in feeling melancholy on occasions. Frerin has a lot to lose in this war, and thus, it is extremely hard on his emotional state.
"Come on sis!" Frerin exclaims, finally recognizing my presence as he pulls me up on the table. And though I am tempted to hop back down, I smile kindly at my brother and begin to jig at his side. The men around us clap at our synced dancing, tossing ale into the air with each toast of a mug. It is a jolly scene, but a dangerous one at that as ale spills all over the table. And therefore, it is not all that surprising when I slip on the liquid, tipping over the edge and to a future, slight injury. But as my life now rolls, Boromir catches me from my fall, sending me a contemptuous look as I giggle softly.

"Fancy seeing you here," I remark with a sly grin, prompting him to shake his head. With my form still in his arms, Boromir paces away from the table, Frerin not even recognizing my renewed absence from his side. I know that my brother can take care of himself, even in a drunken state, and thus I relinquish myself into the arms of my One.

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