Unwanted Reunions X And X Invalid Opinions

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A low chuckle resonated from the boy's throat; silence ensued. Refusing to look back at the all-too-familiar face, you continued to gather your hoard of knives and daggers from the surrounding area. The act continued for what seemed like hours before the low singsong voice began taunting yet again.

"Is the silent treatment really all I get?" He inquired with a pout, "I expected more! I am your long-lost boyfriend, after all."

"Long-lost, huh?" You repeated, irked by your so-called boyfriend's words, "I saw you one month ago."

Killua, though thoroughly confused, spoke up with hints of anger and jealousy spilling from his voice, "Boyfriend?"

You let out a sigh in frustration, "Not exactly-"

"My, my, what do we have here?" He cut in, "A new toy of yours, I presume."


"Pet, then?"

"Not even close-"

"Oh. [Name], are you trying to make me jealous?"

"You wish," You spat turning to face the male in one swift movement, throwing four blades - all in which targeted vital points.

He caught all but one, and even so it only grazed his side as he had managed to somewhat dodge the blow. The male clicked his tongue at the stinging feeling radiating around his ribs; heterochromic eyes glaring at their sender.

You smirked, snickering at his pained expression, "It barely even cut. Just how weak have you become?"

He rolled his eyes, "That wasn't very ladylike of you."

"Since when have I ever been ladylike?" You spat the question out angrily. How dare he accuse you of something so revolting?

Killua, becoming quite fed up with the bickering, cleared his throat before glaring at you both, "Can't you see you're just wasting time? Just tell me who you are and your relation to [Name], and we'll solve things from there."

"Wow, Killua, since when did you become the reasonable one?" You teased, thumping his forehead lightly.

Grumbling incoherent insults, he turned away in embarrassment. His childish manner forced a minuscule smirk onto your features.

"Just answer my question," The former assassin demanded in a low tone.

"Kuroki Aki; [Name]'s boyfriend," The other replied with a playful wink.

"It's a forced relationship, actually," You added bitterly, "As if I'd ever go out with such filth."

"Hurtful," Kuroki whined.

Disregaurding the other male's comments, Killua spoke up, "What do you mean by forced?"

"It's simple, really," You sat on a small tree stump nearby before continuing, "My brother arranged it in order to protect me. Our little 'relationship' is actually an engagement, but I refuse to marry that garbage."

"So mean," Kuroki commented with a pout.

"You have no say, then?"

"That's right," You answered crossing your legs sassily.

"No one listens," Kuroki spoke up, "because you're opinions are invalid."

"And so is your existence," You commented coolly.

Cue Killua laughing hysterically and a dramatic eye roll from Kuroki.

"Anyway," You began, "Why are you here?"

"Little Zoldyck over there's been getting too close. I came to make sure he knew who you belonged to-"

"Excuse me?" You interrupted angrily, "You don't own me. I couldn't care less about your pathetic life! I could end your life right here, right now," A sadistic sounding giggle leapt from your throat as you tightly gripped the remaining knives, "In fact, that's exactly what I'm going to do!"

- - -


sorry i made you wait so long for such a short chapter.. it had to be done, though.

i'll be skipping a majority of the actual fight, and only writing the major parts that will contribute to the plot :))

also, i'm rewriting the entire story on my laptop because it's cringy af; however, i won't publish those changes until i finish this. you could say that this version is now acting as a rough draft if you want.

updates will be slow, no doubt.

on a completely other note: i updated my 'about'. you can read it if you want. in regards to my stories, there's actually a section in it for that.

Feitan's Little Sister (Killua X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now