Just X Trust X Me

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[timeskip to the room with weapons cuz...um...idk]

You stepped into a medium-sized room. Weapons of all kinds lined the back wall. Do they want us to fight each other? You wondered. Once the little man talking through the speaker confirmed your thoughts, you tensed. No doubt Kurapika would come after you, but who else would?

"I'm sorry guys, but I've come this far already and I don't plan on just dropping out." Leorio said, breaking the silence and swinging a newly found ax at Killua.

You growled. How could he? After everything they've been through!? You thought angrily. Killua dodged easily and flexed his hand, allowing his nails to sharped and become weapons. Kurapika seemed angry and betrayed. He placed one hand on his swords and looked around cautiously. Have none of them besides Gon got trust? You yelled mentally. Even though you were raised my serial killers and thieves, you had better sense than they. You sighed and sat in the corner, playing with two of the daggers from the wall. You ha no interest in fighting them for you could most likely win against all but Killua now that you knew Kurapika's fighting style. You twirled one of the blades on your index finger and looked at the shiny surface emotionlessly.

"Stop!" Gon yelled, making everyone freeze. Well, except you. You didn't really care for what was going on at the moment. "I have a plan."

You listened before voting for the lon path. Once the votes were in, the metal door rumbled and lifted revealing a dangerously dark path. You picked up an ax bigger than Leorio's and slammed it down on the brick wall. A few chunks crumbled to the ground from the impact. The others soon joined in.


The hole was soon finished. The others went down, but you decided to take a weapon. They wouldn't mind, right? The little man in the speaker said nothing about leaving the weapons here. You wandered over and grabbed a bow and a couple of arrows. Then, you slid down - finishing the phase.

"Ah! My little flower, what took you so long?" You rolled your eyes at the new nickname and pointed to the four idiots you had to get to the bottom of the tower with. "I see."

"Hisoka, when did you finish?" You inquired, tilting your head to the right curiously.


You sighed, clearly not interested. "I guess that was expected."

"Hm. Now, where did you get that bow?" The clown-like male asked leaning down closer to your face and pointing to the curved shape of the wood around your shoulder.

"Tch. Why do you care?" You spat, cringing away from him.

He stood up straight again, an amused expression plastered on his face. "Don't tell me you stole it."

"It wasn't stealing."

Hisoka hummed as if he was more interested in you than the Huner's Exam. You turned your back to him and walked away. You weren't willing to put up with him any longer. Killua motioned for you to come over, so you did. It was an excuse for Hisoka to keep his distance. Little did he know, all of them already knew your secret. You wouldn't tell him that, though. Standing next to Killua, you looked at the short man explaining the next phase. You didn't pay attention to anything except what you were supposed to do. When the man finally shut up, they began calling. numbers. Hisoka was first. He walked up, reached his hand in the box, and pulled out a card. Then he waked back to his former spot. All of the others did the same until it was finally your turn. You walked up, dug your hand in the box, and pulled out the last remaining card. You noticed a thin, white sticker covering your targets number. Strange. When Lippo ordered everyone to remove it, you didn't hesitate in pulling it off. You looked down and read the number. It was one of the three brothers'. You didn't know which one it was, though.

"[Y/n], who's your target?" Killua inquired sitting next to you and leaning against the inner wall of the boat you had all just boarded.

"One of the brothers." I stated simply.

"Really? That should be easy." He grew a little nervous, "Do you happen to know who this is?"

He pulled put the card and showed it to you. You were slightly taken aback. Maybe we could work together? You thought before actually answering him. "It's another one of the brothers. I don't know which one, though."

"Oh. That's better than nothing, thanks." He then stood up and was about to walk away.

"Wait." He stopped and turned his head to the side to see you, "Do you maybe want to work together?"

He seemed surprised. "Sure. What harm could come of it?"

You smiled as he began to walk away. The upcoming phase was going to be fun. You could torture whoever you pleased while Killua rested while also getting help finding your target. You felt sort of bad for using him like that, but it was a opportunity you just couldn't pass up!

Once the boat was docked, the examinees were asked to exit one at time. It was seemingly forever, but eventually it was your turn to leave. You stood up and dusted your black jeans off before jumping over the edge instead of walking on the small, extended bridge. You found it more fun doing things differently. A small sigh escaped your lips as you began to walk into the forest where Killua would be waiting for you.

[word count. 966]



i hope you all enjoy this chapter. it's rather boring and nothing really happens, but hey, i updated!

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