Exploring X And X Lies

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You didn't get very far down the corridor before you heard someone calling your name. You turned slightly and looked behind you to see two people: 405 and 99. You smiled innocently -- of course it was fake.

"What is it?" You questioned studying them both.

You couldn't help but wonder who number 405 was. His age, you assumed, was the same as you. 12. Through your entire life, you never really had friends. Your brother always killed them, so you stopped trying to make them. And this exam would be no different. The two boys standing in front of you would never be able to be your friends. You knew that all too well.

"Do you want to explore the airship with us?" 405 asked happily.

"Sure! It beats doing it alone." You responded.

Killua and 405 rushed to your side almost immediately. The raven-haired boy smiled brightly at you, causing a warm feeling to bubble within you. Killua, who stood on your other side, had a confused look his face.

You faced forward again and looked down the long passageway. It was lined with large, lustrous windows on the exterior wall with extended window sills forming a table. Extensive, white benches were placed near the window sills to provide a place to sit. Where lights were situated on the ceiling directly in the center providing light for people wandering around.

The three of you began to walk down the hallway, not leaving any room unexplored. The two boys had invaded the kitchen, getting kicked out by the head chef. You just sighed and apologized to the poor guy. Of course, you weren't actually sorry, it was all part of your act.

"I never got your name." You commented at 405.

"Really? I'm Gon, Gon Freecss!" 405 introduced with yet another smile.

"I'm [y/n], it's a pleasure." You replied with a small bow.

"The pleasure is mine." Gon said back.

Killua stood looked out one of the clean windows in awe. He inspected the view in awe. The shimmering lights of the large city below the airship, the dark night sky, the full moon shine brightly in the center of the sky surrounded by a few visible stars. The white-haired assassin rushed to the window to get a better view. You followed curiously. Leaning your forehead onto the window, you gasped. So high, but so pretty. You pressed your palms onto the cool glass and smiled. Then Gon joined.

"It's like the ground is covered in jewels!" He exclaimed. Killua and you nodded in agreement.

The lights reminded you of jewels and crystals your aniki stole for you once. The white lights -- diamonds, the red ones -- rubies, the single blue light -- the one sapphire.

"Hey, where are your parents?" Gon inquired sitting down on the bench nearby.

"Hmm.. They're alive." he answered, "Probably."

"What do they do?" You asked cocking your head to the side a bit.

"They're assassins." he replied nonchalantly.

"Huh? Both of them?" Gon asked suddenly surprised.

"Really?" You asked quickly after.

Killua smiled and slowly began to laugh, "That's your first reaction? You really are a riot!"

"Huh?" Gon and you said simultaneously.

You all sat down on a bench near the window. You were in the center of the two.

You quickly snapped your attention back to Killua as he began to speak again.

"You two are the first people who have ever responded seriously." he said still smiling.

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