Request X And X Dream

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You sat on a crate in the Phantom Troupe's hideout. Today was just like any other, everyone minding their own business, however, not everyone was there.


Your place in the Phantom Troupe was undecided. You weren't exactly a member, but your brother, Feitan, was. And since you were there most of the time, they considered you their "secret." The spider tattoo was on your back, in the upper left-hand corner, so barely anyone saw it other than the Troupe. Chrollo thought of you as his own sister, so he had no objections to you joining. It was your brother by blood, Feitan, who did. He said you weren't ready and needed to be trained more, by him of course.


"[Y/n]." A voice called from the other side of the dirty base.

You looked up from the ground and at the person the voice belonged to. It was your brother, Feitan.

"Yeah?" You responded.

He signaled for you to come over to him, which you did. You stood in front the black-haired male and he sighed.

"I have a small request."

"Okay, what is it? Go kill someone? If so, then-" You were quickly cut off.

"No, nothing like that." He muttered, "And I already got Boss's permission to send you there so don't worry about that."

"Huh, go where?" You asked almost bursting with curiosity.

"To take the Hunters Exam." He replied in a calm tone, "Hisoka will be retaking it this year, and you might need one soon."

"Is that so?" You ask thinking about it, "Hmmmm, sure. I'll take it, but Hisoka is not to watch my every move or try to protect me."

"Fine, fine. I wasn't going to ask him to do so." Feitan stated with a slight smirk on his face.

There was a small moment of silence. His smirk faded and he looked at you seriously again.

"But do promise me two things, succeed and keep your identity hidden. That means you can use your real name if you want, but don't tell anyone anything else about you." It was more of a demand than request or promise.

You nodded slightly and walked away. You had wanted to be a hunter for quite some time now, but you never thought you would actually have the chance.

Tomorrow, you and Hisoka would head off to the exam site. Knowing this, you decided to get some rest before the "trip". Besides, you didn't know how much of that you were going to get during the exam.

You curled up in a corner with a red blanket draped over you. It wasn't that cold, but you couldn't stand sleeping without a blanket. There was just something about doing so that paranoid you.

After a few minutes, you slowly drifted off to sleep. Your dreams were usually pretty normal, and they often happened. It wasn't unusual for you, either. You were now fully asleep, but the dream you were having wasn't really an event, it was just plain weird.

-your dream-

You started to run, faster, faster, faster, faster! You wanted to escape this darkness, you wanted to reach the light that shone ever so brightly. But no matter how much you ran, you never reached it, you never left the darkness.

Fatigue began to pull you down. Your steps began to drag and you fumbled. Eventually, you fell. You tried to drag yourself to the light, just a little...closer. Your hand closed as if trying to grab the light. Then, you faded into nothingness.

"[Y/n]...." An unknown voice called.
"[Y/n], come here!"
"Please! [Y/n]!"
"I-I...I need you..." The voice said slowly fading away.

Still, it was dark. It was cold. It was silent. Time...was frozen.

-end of your dream-

Your [e/c] eyes fluttered open to see a pink-haired female smiling at you.

"M-Machi!" You yelled surprised before hugging her.

"Hello, [Y/n]." She greeted hugging you back, "Seems I don't have to wake you up after all."

"Nope." You giggles releasing Machi, "Oh no! Is Hisoka still here? He didn't leave me, right?"

You began to panic and stood up looking around. You didn't want to miss your chance at becoming a hunter just because of sleep.

"Yeah, he's still here. What's the hurry?" She asked slightly confused.

"Well, he's supposed to take me to the Hunters Exam with him. Boss and Fei agreed to let me go this year." You informed her calming down.

"Oh, I see. Then you better get going because Hisoka can be quite impatient."

"Farewell." You said before rushing over to the clown-faced man.

"Shall we go?" He asked smirking.

The smirk made chills run up and down your spine. It seemed like he was mocking you in some way. 'He's such a pedophile!' You screaming in your thoughts, 'How could Fei send me off with someone, no, something like him?!'

You nodded and he began to walk. You, of course, followed him. All you two did was walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, and walk. You were beginning to get hungry, but you wouldn't admit that. There was no way you were going to stop just to eat!

You let out a small sigh of boredom and slipped your hands into your coat pockets. This journey was going to be long and boring, you just knew it.

Hisoka slowed down so he was now walking behind you. You felt his eyes staring at you, almost examining you. This made you very uncomfortable, so you stopped and turned to him.

"If you keep doing that, I'll make sure your death will be slow, and painful." You stated as a small, malicious smile played on your lips at the reference to torture.

"My, my, [Y/n]," Hisoka began, "Your words have deeply hurt me~"

'Having to walk miles with this pedo clown, the exam better be amusing!' You said to yourself mentally.

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