Chapter 7 - The Hollow

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The Hollow

The scar was a dull, shiny pink. It began at the base of her neck and ran down her spine like a fleshy river. Reyna was facing away from Dante with her head bowed to allow him to see her scar.

"It's amazing how this never healed despite Auronmar being the one that treated you," he said.

She thought best not to remind him Mundus also used his healing Magika on her. Instead she said, "Well I did have a soul or whatever ripped out of my body."

He ran a finger on the old wound and traced it as far as he could before hitting her shirt. Her skin was still warm and sticky from their sparing.

"Why does it fascinate you so much?" she asked, turning to face him.

Dante didn't answer, didn't want to say the reason why.

"Well, I have other scars too. Wanna see?" Reyna teased with a smile as she held her open hands to him. Dotted lines streaked the top, fleshy bumps of her palms, and a long, fading mark trailed down her left forefinger.

What Dante held back before rushed out of him. "Even after all that he's done to harm your body, you still want him?"

Reyna remained silent, her grin fading.

Dante closed the gap between them and held her hands, slowly lacing his fingers with her own. She returned the gesture, thinking it was cruel for Dante to ask her what he did, yet perhaps it was crueler she was not stopping his actions. He brought his head down to hers, and they tasted each other's salty lips.

When they parted, they released their hands, and just like that the kiss was forgotten.

"We should just go back. The castle is bound to move again soon," Reyna said as she pulled herself to her feet.

"Yeah," Dante sighed as he also stood up. "Though you'd think Auronmar would just let us practice in the castle."

"The ceiling inside is too low for weapons to be swung and stuff."

"He could manifest us a practice room."

Reyna laughed. "Poor room would get destroyed on a daily basis. Though maybe next time we should spar inside. It'd be funny to see your sword stuck in the ceiling or the wall."

"Yeah, you'd like that," he said. "It's the only way you'd beat me."

She feigned a hurt gasp. "How mean! Especially when I can beat you right now."

Dante rolled his eyes. "Sure. Like you did all those times we sparred earlier?"

"I was going easy on you! We were just practicing my armor thingy. It's what I was focused on." She crossed her arms, irritation real now. "Besides, I have beaten you a few times. Don't lie!"


Reyna giggled and playfully punched him, but her smile quickly fell from her lips. Panic, fear, and hurt all waved through her face, one after the other. It then fell into a mask of indifference. Dante was about to ask what was wrong, but he soon felt the answer.

Mundus' essence was rapidly closing in on them. In the swift action it took for Dante to retrieve his stabbed sword from the ground, the moon demon had arrived and was upon the mortal boy.

The gleam of Mundus' blade was like a lightning strike as it penetrated through Dante's stomach. As his body fell to the grassy ground, Mundus and Reyna's eyes met through a beaded curtain of falling blood.

Red-stained sword in hand, Mundus turned towards Reyna. The two were within arm's length of each other yet they might as well have remained worlds apart. Through their silent yet intense stares, violent thoughts and words recoiled: fleeting questions, unacceptable explanations, and spiteful tendencies, all tearing at unseen wounds.

Act of a Demon: The Dark Bloods - Book II ✓Where stories live. Discover now