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Aaron twirled the crystal ball on the table and watched it spin. The ball turned a blinding shade of red then slowed down and gradually stopped.

Aaron spinned it again.

He had been doing this from the past 30 minutes. After his fight with Rayana back home, Aaron had come straight to his office and immersed himself in work. Lots and lots of it. It had been straight 24 hours since he was here.And he didnt plan on going back anytime soon.

Not now atleast.

He set to twirl the globe again when the sudden beep of his office phone stopped him.

Setting the ball aside, Aaron reached forward and pressed the green button.

"Yes" he automatically said.

"What's my best friend upto? Whatever it is, leave everything. Lets have lunch together".

Aaron sighed.Denise Lake, aka His company's general manager, aka his best friend was the last person Aaron felt like talking to now.Nevertheless, he put up his most polite voice and said.

"Denise, hey. Uhh..I cant. I've actually got alot of work pending. And I still havent gotten around to look at Brandford's stock report yet. I cant today.".

"You cant anyday Aaron.Come on, itl be fun, I promise. Alright my treat, now please stop being such a bore" Denise insisted.

"I cant Denise. I am sorry. Look why dont you hangout with Mark or someone?"

"You've changed so much Aaron. I dont recognise my friend anymore. Fine, Il go with Mark. You take care, okay?"

"Yeh sure, thanks. Bye".


Aaron leaned his head back on the chair and closed his eyes.

Maybe he shud've had lunch with Denny.

Afterall, she was the one person who had always been there for him, unconditionally and selflessly.He didn't want to hurt her. But he knew he knew he had done just the same. Not only today, but all the time since the three years. He felt a pang of guilt spreading its way to his chest.

You've changed Aaron, her voice reverberated in his brain.

Yeah, I've changed Denny. And I am sorry I hurt you in the process, Aaron thought glumly and picked up the black file again.


"Fleming, Can you cook Thai?"

Rayana was perched on the black kitchen counter, playing with a baking glove.

"Thai, Miss? No, not at all. Actually, I am not really much of a cook" Fleming answered, smiling sheepishly.

You dont say, Rayana mused.

Ofcourse he couldnt cook anything besides eggs and bacon and fried rice.Rayana was practically bored out of her mind eating the same thing over and over again for dinner everyday .Apparently, Aaron always had dinner outside.So naturally, he didnt bother getting himself a professional cook at home.

"Oh, well, I do. I can cook quite many cuisines to be honest." Rayana chirped in.

"Thats wonderful, Miss. Maybe you could teach me some of them." Fleming flashed a smile and said, and continued rinsing the glasses.

"Oh, definitely. Plus am too bored today.What do you say? Should we have some delicious Massaman curry today?. Its a Thai delicacy."

"Sure sure.Lets do this" Fleming accepted and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2013 ⏰

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