Chapter :3

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This Cahpter is dedicated to my friend Blackrose94. She is new here and her work is awesome so check it out :))


" No, Mom, am okay ,really...I am just a bit tired, that's all" Aaron said to his mom.

" You sound tired, and stressed. Why do you have to ground your self so much in your work all the time is beyond me Aaron. Look, honey, why don't you take a break from all this,huh?. Go out for sometime, you know, like a little holiday" Vicotria Reese, Aaron's mom,said, her voice concerned.

"Can't Mom, I have work to do here. I can't just leave right now, by the way, how's the preparation going on? For the fund raiser, I mean." Aaron asked, rubbing his temples.

"Sure you can. You'r company can manage without you for a week atleast. Uhh, dont ask about it. Our new project manager has a degree in Interior Design but she has the worst taste when it comes to flower arrangment. Its going to be a long two months for me " Victoria replied, her voice strained.

" The show will be great Mom,dont worry. Listen, I have to go now, something has come up. I'l talk to you later ,okay?" Aaron said.

" K,honey, Take care of yourself. Bye " Victoria said from the other end.

" Yeah, Bye."

Aaron cut the call and sighed. He rubbed a hand across his face and closed his eyes. It had been two hours since his little argument with Rayana at her house. He was having a severe headache from that time and his mood had darkened impossibily. That woman, Aaron cursed. She bought out the worst in him. If it werent for his daughter, he would never put up with her again. But what was he suoppsed to do? His daughter needed him right now. Aaron sighed again and leaned back on his comfy armchair. He swept his feet up on the coffee table and rested his head back. A thought kept running in his mind.

What was he going to tell his mother? How would she take it when she came to know that Annie was his daughter? How would anyone react when they found out that his runaway wife of four years had finally returned.And not just alone, but with their daughter by her side.

What a mess, Aaron thought. Shaking away his negative thoughts, He decided that he needed to get some sleep. Tomorrow was going to be one hell of a day without him being a zombie anyway. He needed his rest. With that thought in mind, Aaron yawned and dozed off into a dreamless sleep.


Rayana finished braiding Aanie's hair then secured it with a red ribbon. 

" Ok, no go over there and play with your toys sweety, but remember, no running" Rayana said gently,turning Annie to towards her.

" Mommy, why ready mommy? Where going us?" Annie asked in her endearing consufing english. Her eyes were red with sleep.

Rayana smiled and tucked a strand of auburn hair behind Annie's ear affectionately. 

"Sweety, Daddy's going to pick us up in a while now. He asked me to get everything ready. We're going to live with from now on " Rayana explained her daughter.

Hopefully just for a a short period, Rayana thought anxiously. 

The picture Daddy, Mommy?" Annied asked, suddenly enthusiastic. She caught hold of Rayana's hand and started hopping up and down.

" Yes, darling, the picture Daddy. You'll enjoy a lot with him. He has so many toys to give to you". Rayana said, her voice smiling, watching her daughter with pure love on her face.

" Yayyyy, Daddy's coming. Daddy's coming" Annie squealed with excitement and ran to her toys lying on the floor.

" Annie, dont run sweetheart!" Rayana warned and ran after her and made her sit on the carpet with her toys all surrounding her. After settling her, she got up and went back to sit on the old blue couch.

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