Chapter :1

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Chapter :1

Aaron was in the midst of reading the Profit and loss report of JD Ltd. when his phone beeped.Without moving his eyes away fro mthe file, he pressed the red button on the phone machine.  

" Yes"? Aaron asked. 

Teresa, his secratary from the past 2 years,said. 

"Sir, a woman is here to see you. She is saying its very urgent. She doesnt have an appointment scheduled. She said her name is Mrs.Wicker .Should I ask her to leave?" 

His attention still indeulged in the figures he was scanning, Aaron replied "Send her in." 

"Got it,Sir" Teresa replied and cut the call. 

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Aaron asked the person to come in. A woman cleared her thorat and Aaron looked up. And kept looking. More like staring. Dreesed in Navy blue slacks and and a white loose and long shirt was Rayana. Rayana Wickers.His ex wife. No wait, she was still his wife, they had neveer really got a chance to divorce. Aaron didnt know what was more overwhelming. The shock he was experiencing or the anger that pulsed thorugh his veins like current.His eyes narrowed and he put the file on the table. 

" What are you doing here?" he growled. 

She straightened her shoulders, looked him in the eye and said "Before you go about making a whole scene, let me clarify that I am not here to ask anything from you for myself. I wouldnt do that for my life. You can look at that clock on your wall. I'l not be taking more than ten minutes of your precious time. I have somthing to say and I'l leave right after that".  

Seeing that he wasnt saying anything, just glaring at her, made her continue." I have a daughter of 3 years. Her name is Annie. She has been diagonsed with Atrial septal Defect (ASD) and the doctors have suggested for an immediate operation. I dont have enough money to go through the operation and... 

" Thats none of my damned problem, Now get out!" Aaron yelled. A muscle in his jaw was ticking so furiously, he had problem concentrating. The nerve of this women. Who did she think she was. She really thinks she can just show up after all these years and demand something of him. The hell with her, he thought. 

" Shes your Daughter." Rayana's calm voice broke though his thoughts. 

The statement hung in the air between them. Aaron stared at her in disbelief. Surely she was jesting?.She expects me to belive that?. While this was going on in his head, the words were echoing in his brain like some bad song lyrics.  

She's your daughter. 

She's your daughter 

She's your daughter.

" What the hell do you mean"? he barked. 

" When I left your house three years ago, I was pregnant. 3 months pregnant. With our child." Rayana said and took a thick file out of her purse. She walked forward and placed it on his desk. 

"This is Annie's medical file. As you'l see, her blood group is B+. Maybe you'l remember that my blood group is O+. And Alex Rutherford's blood group isnt B+ either. On the contrary, your blood group is B+. If you still have any doubts, her DNA report is in the file as well. I'l have no issue in you running a DNA check on her."Rayana paused. 

Aaron was glaring at her. His eyes were full of confusion and revulsion. Nevertheless, Rayana continued. 

" My daughter needs medical attention. And as much as I hate to say this, You happpen to be her biological father. She has full right to demand the money needed for her treatment of you. I am therefore asking you to provide for her. As a father its your duty.Thats all I have to say." She glanced at the clock and continued in robotic tone.  "I took exactly ten minutes. My phone number and current address are in the same file along with a picture of Annie. Please be quick as my daughter wont be able to wait for that long maybe".  

She turned around and left the room leaving a very confused and boiling-with-blood Aaron behind.


Author's note :  

Hey guys, so wat do you think? Like it, dont like it? Its a totally new story, and I know the chapter is short but I promise to make longer chapters in the future. Please give some feedback so I would know whether to continue writng this or not. But you know what, I think i'l continue nonetheless.

And if you took the time to read this, then am very grateful to you. Thankyou:) 

P.S. I wrote this in a hurry so if there are any grammatical mistakes or voacbulary ones, please let me know. And If someone could make a better book cover so please dont hesitate to PM me. 

Till then,  



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